我想从 XML 模式中推断出这对夫妇(parentTag, childTag),这样它就可以parentTag包含多个childTag直接孩子的实例。



<xs:complexType name="aType">
          <xs:element ref="B" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:element name="A" type="aType">
<xs:element name="ANOTHER" type="aType">


我有一个使用 XSLT 将我的模式转换为此类对的列表的工作解决方案(parentTag, childTag)

在 Java 中有没有一种优雅的方法来做到这一点?你会推荐哪个库来实现这个?


1 回答 1


为了在 Java 中处理 XML 模式(没有 XSLT),我们使用 Xerces2 Java Parser:http: //xerces.apache.org/xerces2-j/


import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.apache.xerces.xs.*;
import org.apache.xerces.dom.DOMXSImplementationSourceImpl;
import org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.util.StringListImpl;
import org.apache.xerces.util.XMLCatalogResolver;

然后,XSD 文件的处理过程如下:

// Obtain the XML Schema implementation
XSImplementation impl = (XSImplementation)
  (new DOMXSImplementationSourceImpl()).getDOMImplementation(XMLConstants.XSD_LOADER_NAME);

// Get schema loader
XSLoader schemaLoader = impl.createXSLoader (null);

// Optional. Specify error handler
DOMErrorHandler errorHandler = ....;
DOMConfiguration config = schemaLoader.getConfig();
config.setParameter("error-handler", errorHandler);

// Optional. Specify XML catalog resolver.
// This may be needed to redirect internal DTD/schema file references
XMLCatalogResolver catalogResolver = ...;
config.setParameter("resource-resolver", catalogResolver);

String xsdURI = ...; // the location of schema file

// read schema
XSModel xsModel = schemaLoader.loadURI(xsdURI);

// PROCESS SCHEMA (here, you can do anything you want)

XSNamedMap xsMap;

// process top-level element declarations
xsMap = xsModel.getComponents(XSConstants.ELEMENT_DECLARATION);
for (int i = 0; i < xsMap.getLength(); i ++)
  XSElementDeclaration xsElementDecl = (XSElementDeclaration) xsMap.item(i);

// process top-level type definitions
xsMap = xsModel.getComponents(XSConstants.TYPE_DEFINITION);
for (int i = 0; i < xsMap.getLength(); i ++)
  XSTypeDefinition xsTDef = (XSTypeDefinition) xsMap.item(i);

// process model group definitions
xsMap = xsModel.getComponents(XSConstants.MODEL_GROUP_DEFINITION);
for (int i = 0; i < xsMap.getLength(); i ++)
  XSModelGroupDefinition xsGroupDef = (XSModelGroupDefinition) xsMap.item(i);

于 2013-07-05T10:06:36.380 回答