看到 Velocity 的最新稳定版本至少在两年前发布,我希望 SF 的好人能够建议这个项目是否仍在积极维护。除了似乎没有任何活动的 JIRA 上的 Velocity 2.0 项目之外,我看不到任何提示。

cf https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11085676/does-apache-velocity-project-have-future-or-is-it-defunct由于某种原因关闭。

更新(2017 年 7 月):新版本 2.0 在http://velocity.apache.org/engine/2.0/


6 回答 6


Is GNU sed still an active project? The last release was 4.2.2 in December 2012, and before that 4.2.1 in June 2009, and 4.1.5 in 2006. Also, the maintainer announced his resignation from maintaining the project. Does that mean that GNU sed is a dead project that shouldn't be used anymore? Definitely not. It is a very mature project, with very few bugs and little left to improve or innovate. It is a well known piece of program, used in many scripts, and just because releases happen every 3 years or more, it doesn't mean that it is something to move away from. On the contrary, sed is a central piece of *nix utilities, and GNU sed is probably its best implementation.

While Apache Velocity is not as mature and well known as GNU sed, it is also a mature, stable software. There isn't much work being done not because there's nobody left to do that work, but because there's very little need of new work. Developers are happy with what they have, users don't complain of missing features, and downstream projects are happy, as far as I know.

于 2013-07-09T14:03:49.050 回答

看起来 Apache Velocity 社区正在努力在某个时候发布 2.x 版本(尽管我认为没有预定的发布日期)


于 2013-07-05T09:51:07.897 回答


Velocity 2.0 现已推出。根据 Maven 中央存储库,2.0 velocity-master 工件最后一次更新是 2016 年 10 月 14 日。

当前(截至 2017 年 5 月 8 日)版本是2.1-SNAPSHOT,表明正在开发下一个版本。

此外,git 提交日志显示了最近的活动。在撰写本文时,最新的提交是从 2017 年 4 月 14 日开始的,并且在 2017 年进行了相当多的提交。

话虽如此,Velocity 的 Apache 主页似乎并没有保持最新状态。主页上没有提及 2.0 版本,但是Velocity Engine 2.0的 Apache 页面在 Apache 站点上有自己的(秘密)页面。

于 2017-05-08T12:54:52.153 回答

虽然现有答案非常有用,但您可能会发现 OpenHub(以前称为 OhLoh)是解决此类问题的有用资源。https://www.openhub.net/p/velocity

于 2014-05-09T17:24:22.870 回答

顺便说一句,他们显然切换到了 git:




于 2015-07-03T16:31:08.830 回答

这是 Velocity 2.0 Engine 的 Apache 链接:


于 2017-07-03T07:01:10.553 回答