这个问题可能不是很聪明,但我对 MS Access 中的弹出窗口有疑问。

每当要对表进行修改时,都会出现一个弹出窗口,告诉我们将要插入、删除或修改 x 行。问题是我有调用数十个查询的宏,所以当我运行宏时,我必须在它执行之前单击是 15 到 20 次。

有没有办法将弹出窗口的数量减少到 1 个或 2 个?(我仍然希望用户知道修改即将发生)


1 回答 1


Use the SetWarnings macro action, as described here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/bb177386%28v=office.12%29.aspx!

You can also do that using VBA, the command is DoCmd.SetWarnings False. No system warning will be shown and you can show your own. But don't forget to turn it back on at the end of your macro!

于 2013-07-04T11:11:21.967 回答