Here is a very simple but fairly effective approach that uses linear time in the number of tiles on screen. Each tile is either opaque or transparent (that's given to us), and each can be visible or shaded (that's what we're trying to compute).
We start by marking the avatar itself as "visible".
We then apply this recursive rule to determine the visibility of the remaining tiles.
- If the tile is on the same row or column as the avatar, then it is only visible if the adjacent tile nearer to the avatar is visible and transparent.
- If the tile is on a 45 degree diagonal from the avatar, then it is only visible if the neighboring diagonal tile (towards the avatar) is visible and transparent.
- In all other cases, consider the three neighboring tiles that are closer to the avatar than the tile in question. For example, if this tile is at (x,y) and is above and to the right of the avatar, then the three tiles to consider are (x-1, y), (x, y-1) and (x-1, y-1). The tile in question is visible if any of those three tiles are visible and transparent.
In order to make this work, the tiles must be inspected in a specific order to ensure that the recursive cases are already computed. Here is an example of a working ordering, starting from 0 (which is the avatar itself) and counting up:
Tiles with the same number can be inspected in any order amongst themselves.
The result is not beautiful shadow-casting, but computes believable tile visibility.