Why is Python reporting that the variable perimeter
is undefined?
#The first function will accept the length and width of a rectangle as its two parameters and return the rectangles perimeter
length=float(input("What is the length of your rectangle?"))
width=float(input("What is the width of your rectangle?"))
def rectanglePerimeter(length,width): #the parameter limits , it will accept the length and the width
perimeter= (2*length) + (2*width ) #here we implement the equation for the rectangles perimeter
return perimeter #return the result
def rectangleArea(length,width):
area= length*width
return area
if perimeter> area:
print ("the perimeter is larger than the area")
elif perimeter<area:
print ("the area is larger than the perimeter")
if perimeter == area:
print ("the area and the perimeter are equal")