我已按照此页面上的说明进行操作: https ://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/#realtime

但我无法让删除应用程序部分工作。PHP SDK 和 Facebook 的 Graph API Explorer 都是这种情况。

首先,我添加一个应用程序以通过 POST 获取实时更新


app_id参数设置为我的 App ID。我还为页面传递了一个访问令牌。

这将在 Graph Explorer 中返回“true”,在 PHP SDK 中返回“1”,我理解这意味着在这两种情况下都成功。我知道这是真的,因为我已将数据接收到我的实时端点。

但是,我还需要能够按页面删除这些订阅。文档建议这是通过执行 DELETE 来完成的


再次传递与以前相同的访问令牌。在 Graph Explorer 和 PHP SDK 中,这将返回:

(#100) Tab is not installed or not removable: <The same app_id I passed>



1 回答 1


There are two possible alternatives:

Go to https://www.facebook.com/{page_id}/settings?tab=apps and manually remove the application from the page. If the app is not there, it has already been removed.


You can use the Real-time Update documentation and use a DELETE API call to unsubscribe the page from real-time updates. However, if your application is used with more than once page, it will also unsubscribe the other pages.

于 2014-01-08T15:11:25.553 回答