I've got an Excel/VBA macro which list files in a directory.

Filenames are in format : yyyy-MM-dd@hh-mm-ss_[description].csv

for instance : 2013-07-03@22-43-19_my-file.csv

I then need to get the first part of the filename into an Excel Date object (including a Timestamp)

I found the CDate() function, but it doesn't take any "format" parameter, and the Format() function works the wrong way, ie to convert a String to a Date.

I'd like to get a function with takes a String and a format, and returns an Excel Date/Time object.

Is there a function designed to do that ?



1 回答 1



Function ParseDateTime(dt As String) As Date
   ParseDateTime = DateValue(Left(dt, 10)) + TimeValue(Replace(Mid(dt, 12, 8), "-", ":"))
End Function
于 2013-07-03T21:47:50.460 回答