I am trying to figure out how I can use the same variables in my if/else blocks. For example,
if(condition) {
else {
I need to access $vars1, 2, and 3 in the blocks, but I cannot. I think I have a scoping issue. I tried making them global, but I see many errors and the program doesn't run properly. What am I missing?
Here is my code. My issue is that the variables at the bottom(@varList, etc) are needed for the server because this is a script on an apache server that also uses CGI. it spits out errors like this:
[error] Global symbol "$questionslist" requires explicit package name at /home/megaoff/www/vi
ewquestions.dhtml line 46.\nGlobal symbol "$site" requires explicit package name at /home/megaoff/www/viewquestions.dhtm
l line 46.\nGlobal symbol "$xs" requires explicit package name at /home/megaoff/www/viewquestions.dhtml line 46.\nGlobal
symbol "$username" requires explicit package name at /home/megaoff/www/viewquestions.dhtml line 46.\n
use strict;
use CGI;
use BarryP;
my $pagev = BarryP::makeP("noextracook", 1);
my $bvga = $pagev->{'vga'};
my %vga = %$bvga;
my $cgi = CGI->new;
my $usePage = "answerquestions.html";
my $anslist = "/home/megaoff/www/limages/anslist.txt";
my $unanslist = "/home/megaoff/www/limages/unanslist.txt";
my $action = $vga{"action"};
if($action eq 'adminmode') {
my @a_list = $pagev->listFile($anslist);
my %list = map { split(/\t/, $_, 2) } @a_list;
else {
my @u_list = $pagev->listFile($unanslist);
chomp @u_list;
my %questions = map { $_ => '' } @u_list;
my $question = $cgi->param('question');
my $answer = $cgi->param('answer');
chomp($question, $answer);
open(my $ANS, '>>', $anslist) or die "Can't open file $anslist: $!";
print $ANS "$question\t$answer\n";
close($ANS) or die "Can't close file $anslist: $!";
delete $questions{$question};
open(my $UNANS, '>', $unanslist) or die "Can't open file $unanslist: $!";
print $UNANS "$_\n" foreach keys %questions;
close($UNANS) or die "Can't close file $unanslist: $!";
my $questionslist = join("<br>", @u_list);
my $site = $pagev->{'site'};
my $xs = $pagev->{'xs'};
my $username = $pagev->{'username'};
my @varList = ('questionslist', $questionslist, 'action', $action, 'site', $site, 'xs', $xs, '$username', $username);
$pagev->pageHeader($usePage, @varList);