整数是图的顶点和边的索引。因此,在您的示例中,第一个顶点是 a,第二个顶点是 b,而第一条边连接顶点 1 和 2( a 和 b )
每个顶点都有属性。因此,在您的示例中,第一个顶点被命名为 a 并且有一个指向 a 的指针。
Bundled properties for graph vertices
Simply contains a pointer to the associated MyObject
class cVertex
MyObject * pObject;
class cEdge
class cGraphProps
// The BGL graph
typedef boost::adjacency_list <
boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS,
cVertex, cEdge, cGraphProps >
typedef boost::graph_traits<graph_t>::vertex_descriptor vertex_t;
graph_t myGraph;
// Create objects and associate them with graph vertices
MyObject * a = new MyObject( 'a');
vertex_t va = boost::add_vertex( myGraph );
myGraph[ va ].pObject = a;
MyObject * b = new MyObject( 'b');
vertex_t vb = boost::add_vertex( myGraph );
myGraph[ vb ].pObject = b;
MyObject * c = new MyObject( 'c');
vertex_t vc = boost::add_vertex( myGraph );
myGraph[ vc ].pObject = c;
// specify the 'dependencies' between the myObjects
boost::add_edge( vb, va, myGraph );
boost::add_edge( vc, vb, myGraph );
// sort the vertices into order according to dependencies
std::deque<int> topo_order;
boost::topological_sort( myGraph, std::front_inserter(topo_order));
// Print the results.
for(std::deque<int>::const_iterator i = topo_order.begin();
i != topo_order.end();
std::cout << myGraph[*i].pObject->x << std::endl;