I'm trying to debug a bug that's only showing on IOS 6 Safari, from what I know. Chrome and Opera don't exhibit this bug.

I have reproduced the bug on my iPad 2 and the iOS Simulator, but only in the production environment. However, when I go into the safari Web Inspector (either iPad or simulator), the bug no longer occurs.

Any idea how to figure out what type of error I'm dealing with? I believe it's a JS error, but don't know where.

-- UPDATE --

To give a better idea of the workflow:

I load the page the exhibits the error. I plug in the iPad to my Mac, open a Safari window, then open a Develop > iPad > myTab. Then I hit reload on the page, and it doesn't exhibit the error.

-- UPDATEx2 --

I was able to get an error by opening it up in Opera Mini, then opening a tab and going to "server:console", which showed the error. Not exactly helpful when dealing with Safari-exclusive bugs, give it seemed to work.

And btw, the bug was an undefined JS variable.


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