I have an offline .EDB file (exchange Database) that I want to pull information from such as the Computer name and the Flags etc. I have found the following offsets from http://www.edbsearch.com/edb.html which indicate that the Computer name etc comes from byte 0x24 0x10 However, looking at the following EDB file in 101 editor, the value appears to be non existent. It appears later on within the file, but not in a constant place.

Is there a constant byte that I can reliably pull the Computer name from the .EDB file ? I am working on backups from another computer, but all of the solutions that I have found are for Live versions of .EDB files - which are useless for myself as I have offline databases.

Many thanks,


1 回答 1


对于数据库复制(2007 年的 CCR,2010+ 年的 DAG),计算机名称的概念并没有那么有用。故障转移/切换后,计算机名称应该是什么?

我认为不再填充计算机名称。如果eseutil.exe -mh不报告,则不存在。

另请查看 JetGetDatabaseFileInfo。http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/gg269239(v=exchg.10).aspx请注意,该文档适用于 esent.dll (Windows),而 ese.dll (Exchange ) 没有记录。虽然 esent.dll 和 ese.dll 非常相似,并且对于简单的事情(例如这个),您可以类似地对待它们并摆脱它,但它们并不相同,有时您会遇到不兼容的情况。换句话说:您自担风险,您的里程可能会有所不同,等等 :)


于 2013-07-04T20:01:24.720 回答