Django-celery seems to use the current django project's settings.py file to read the configuration for celery, and, correct me if I am wrong, there is no way to override this behavior. The problem is that my celery configuration is in a different file outside of the django project, and I need to somehow tell django-celery to use that file instead. How do I do this?


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通常,django-celery 用于一个项目(但许多应用程序)。当然,您可以将 settings.py 从一个项目链接到另一个项目并运行 Django-celery:

./manage.py celeryd --settings=path.to.symlink

CELERY_IMPORTS但在我看来,将 celery 用作具有通用设置的守护进程以及来自任何 django 项目的任务会是更好的决定

于 2013-07-03T23:47:32.510 回答