

server {
    listen       80;
    server_name mysite.com;

    location / {
        include uwsgi_params;
        uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/mysite.sock;
        uwsgi_param UWSGI_PYHOME /srv/www/mysite/env;
        uwsgi_param UWSGI_CHDIR /srv/www/mysite;
        uwsgi_param UWSGI_MODULE app;
        uwsgi_param UWSGI_CALLABLE app;


description "uWSGI"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [06]


exec uwsgi --ini /etc/uwsgi/emperor.ini


emperor = /etc/uwsgi/vassals
uid = uwsgi
gid = nginx
logto = /var/log/uwsgi/emperor.log


protocol = uwsgi
max-requests = 5000
chmod-socket = 660
master = True
vacuum = True
venv = /srv/www/mysite/env
socket = /tmp/mysite.sock
logto = /var/log/uwsgi/mysite.log


from flask import Flask
from redis import Redis

app = Flask(__name__)

# Test Redis
def test():
    redis = Redis()
    mykey = redis.get('mykey')
    return mykey

if __name__ == '__main__':


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/www/mysite/app.py", line 2, in <module>
    from redis import Redis
ImportError: No module named redis
unable to load app 0 (mountpoint='') (callable not found or import error)
--- no python application found, check your startup logs for errors ---
[pid: 2517|app: -1|req: -1/5] () {48 vars in 813 bytes} [Wed Jul  3 18:17:08 2013] GET /demo/check => generated 21 bytes in 14 msecs (HTTP/1.1 500) 1 headers in 57 bytes (0 switches on core 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/www/mysite/app.py", line 2, in <module>
    from redis import Redis
ImportError: No module named redis
unable to load app 0 (mountpoint='') (callable not found or import error)
--- no python application found, check your startup logs for errors ---
[pid: 2517|app: -1|req: -1/6] () {46 vars in 724 bytes} [Wed Jul  3 18:17:08 2013] GET /favicon.ico => generated 21 bytes in 14 msecs (HTTP/1.1 500) 1 headers in 57 bytes (0 switches on core 0)

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