首先,如果您使用 .php 文件,我不会推荐此工作流程。尝试集中您的定义语句,然后在一个位置进行更改。
但这是一个适用于 csv 文件的解决方案。它不完整,您必须添加一些您想要的逻辑。
* Will return an array with key value coding of your csv
* @param $defineFile Your file which contains multiple definitions e.g. define("LANG_BLABLA", "NEW");\n define("LANG_ROFL", "LOL");
* @return array
public function getKeyValueArray($defineFile)
if (!file_exists($defineFile)) {
return array();
} else {
$fp = @fopen($defineFile, 'r');
$values = explode("\n", fread($fp, filesize($defineFile)));
$newValues = array();
foreach ($values as $val) {
preg_match("%.*\"(.*)?\",\s+\"(.*)?\".*%", $val, $matches);
$newValues[$matches[1]] = $matches[2];
* This is s stub! You should implement the rest yourself.
public function updateThings()
//Read your definition into an array
$otherFiles= scandir($scanDir);
foreach($otherFiles as $file){
if($file!="." && $file!=".."){
//read in the file definition
//Now you have your old file in an array e.g. array("LANG_BLABLA" => "OLD")
//and you already have your new file in $defs
//You now loop over both and check for each key in $defs
//if its value equals the value in the $oldDefinitionArray.
//You then update your csv or rewrite or do whatever you like.