I'm having a few issues here, I'm using Angelleye:

1.) Currently, when a user clicks to ‘Pay’ on my website, a popup appears and they must then enter their PayPal email address. We take a commission on all items sold on our marketplace, so we need to use Adaptive payments.

2.) In addition, the auction listings that a user creates on our marketplace can be in either $ (USD) or £ (GBP), but it seems that if the user creates a listing that isn’t in their main PayPal currency, they can’t receive payment.

Is the PayPal email popup necessary and can we allow users to receive payments in currencies other than their main PayPal currency?



1 回答 1


1) 对于如何使用自适应支付处理支付流程有不同的选择。例如,您可以使用弹出窗口或灯箱。有关如何设置所需流程的所有详细信息,请参见此处: https ://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/adaptive-payments/integration-guide/APIntro/

2) 我很确定这取决于他们的收款偏好。当收到不是他们主要货币的付款时,他们最终可能会支付额外费用,所以我很确定他们必须在他们的账户中指定他们接受这一点。或者,商家可以在 PayPal 账户中创建单独的货币余额,因此您实际上可以在同一账户中维持美元余额和单独的英镑余额。这样您就可以收到钱而不会受到货币兑换或跨境费用的影响,而且商家也不必专门接受它。

于 2013-07-03T19:46:06.590 回答