我有一个变量说 var tree。我想在两个文件中使用这个变量,比如 a.js 和 b.js。这两个文件都改变了变量树的状态。我想在其他文件中访问该变量并改变状态。它是如何可能的??
67 次
1 回答
There are more elegant ways of doing it, as described in the question linked in the comments, but the simplest way is to define a RequireJS module with an object literal to hold the shared state:
define('sharedstuff', [], {tree: "original value"});
And then from other module you can require it:
require(['sharedstuff'], function(sharedstuff) {
sharedstuff.tree = "new value";
And if from yet another module you require it, RequireJS will not reload a fresh copy but will instead give you the already loaded version with your shared value populated:
require(['sharedstuff'], function(sharedstuff) {
console.log(sharedstuff.tree) // should be "new value"
于 2013-07-03T14:04:02.663 回答