这简直要了我的命。我做了所有事情,但都不对,因为它仍然没有给我这个错误 Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'CFCredentials_Exception' with message 'No credentials were provided。我正在尝试使用 AWS sdk 1.6 示例和 jquery 文件上传插件将文件上传到 S3。我在wiki上找到了一个示例。
这是我的文件,我在其中设置awssdk.php了 wiki 示例中的凭据

  require_once 'sdk.class.php';
  require_once 'utilities.class.php';
  require_once 'credential.class.php';
  if (!class_exists('CFCredentials'))require_once('credentials.class.php');
    $name => array(
            'key' => 'access key',
            'secret' => 'secret key',
            'certificate_authority' => false
    '@default' => $name
  if (!class_exists('S3'))require_once('S3.php');
   $s3 = new AmazonS3();   

我很确定我不应该需要这么多文件,但正如错误所暗示的那样,我必须添加依赖类。但我仍然收到上述错误。我还尝试包含config.class.php 凭据文件,但仍然出现此错误。
我在这方面花了很多时间,现在对这个 AWS sdk 有点失望。
我对 OO PHP 有点陌生,因此可能觉得它很困难。专家请提出一些解决方案来解决我的错误。


   class CFCredentials
 * The key used to specify the default credential set
const DEFAULT_KEY = 'my key';

 * The key used to identify inherited credentials
const INHERIT_KEY = 'my secret key';

 * Stores the credentials
protected static $credentials = array();

 * Prevents this class from being constructed
final private function __construct() {}

 * Stores the credentials for re-use.
 * @param array $credential_sets (Required) The named credential sets that should be made available to the application.
 * @return void
// private $credential_sets = array('key' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx','secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx','certificate_authority' => false);

 public static function set(array $credential_sets)
    // Make sure a default credential set is specified or can be inferred
    if (count($credential_sets) === 1)
    {echo "in count if-->".self::DEFAULT_KEY;
        $credential_sets[self::DEFAULT_KEY] = reset($credential_sets);

    // Resolve any @inherit tags
    foreach ($credential_sets as $credential_name => &$credential_set)
        if (is_array($credential_set))
            foreach ($credential_set as $credential_key => &$credential_value)
                if ($credential_key === self::INHERIT_KEY)
                    if (!isset($credential_sets[$credential_value]))
                        throw new CFCredentials_Exception('The credential set, "' . $credential_value . '", does not exist and cannot be inherited.');

                    $credential_set = array_merge($credential_sets[$credential_value], $credential_set);

    // Normalize the value of the @default credential set
    if (isset($credential_sets[self::DEFAULT_KEY]))
        $default = $credential_sets[self::DEFAULT_KEY];
        if (is_string($default))
            if (!isset($credential_sets[$default]))
                throw new CFCredentials_Exception('The credential set, "' . $default . '", does not exist and cannot be used as the default credential set.');

            $credential_sets[self::DEFAULT_KEY] = $credential_sets[$default];

    // Store the credentials
    self::$credentials = $credential_sets;

 * Retrieves the requested credentials from the internal credential store.
 * @param string $credential_set (Optional) The name of the credential set to retrieve. The default value is set in DEFAULT_KEY.
 * @return stdClass A stdClass object where the properties represent the keys that were provided.

public static function get($credential_name = self::DEFAULT_KEY)
    //echo $credential_name; exit;
    // Make sure the credential set exists
    if (!isset(self::$credentials[$credential_name]))
        throw new CFCredentials_Exception('The credential set, "' . $credential_name . '", does not exist and cannot be retrieved.');

    // Return the credential set as an object
    return new CFCredential(self::$credentials[$credential_name]);

 * Retrieves a list of all available credential set names.
 * @return CFArray A list of all available credential set names.
public static function list_sets()
    return new CFArray(array_keys(self::$credentials));

class CFCredentials_Exception extends Exception {}



2 回答 2



require_once 'sdk.class.php';

$s3 = new AmazonS3(array(
    'key'    => 'your_aws_access_key_id',
    'secret' => 'your_aws_secret_key',


于 2013-07-03T15:50:01.917 回答
You have set all Credential well but still you have leave one credential 'default_cache_config' => '' 
Just Put it in Credential array with some location for caching the default credential.
just have a look

        $name => array(  

                'key' => 'access key',
                'secret' => 'secret key',
                 'default_cache_config' => '/home/user/any location',
                'certificate_authority' => false
        '@default' => $name
于 2013-10-25T05:56:14.453 回答