我在尝试运行 catel WinRt 示例时遇到了问题。当我尝试调试 Catel.Examples.WinRT.Advanced VS 2012 时抛出异常
Failed to create the delegate. Probably the wrong type of EventArgs is used and does not match the EventHandler<TEventArgs>
我的配置:win8,vs 2012,catel 3.6
我在尝试运行 catel WinRt 示例时遇到了问题。当我尝试调试 Catel.Examples.WinRT.Advanced VS 2012 时抛出异常
Failed to create the delegate. Probably the wrong type of EventArgs is used and does not match the EventHandler<TEventArgs>
我的配置:win8,vs 2012,catel 3.6
两个问题都解决了。这是 WinRT 的 WeakEventListener 的问题。请通过 nuget 尝试最新的夜间构建,一切都应该再次正常工作。
您可以在http://nuget.org/packages?q=catel&prerelease=true&sortOrder=relevance找到 nuget 包