Project: Developing a gadget template for Google Wave which will allow my Flash movies to interact with the Wave api. I had to adapt the existing Flex application so that it would work with ActionScript. This was a success.

Problem: Chrome v4.0 is blocking the load and/or execution of javascript files linked to in the Gadget's XML file.

(Already confirmed the gadget works in Chrome v3.0)

Example & More Details: https://wave.google.com/wave/#minimized:nav,minimized:contact,minimized:search,restored:wave:googlewave.com!w%252BLby6vkE9A

Errors Thrown by Chrome:

  • Refused to execute a JavaScript script. Source code of script found within request

  • Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation


Search google for wave-as-client

Google Sites site/gumontheshoe/home/my-cabinet

Is there anything I can do from my end to fix this?


1 回答 1


使用其他浏览器。我有同样的问题,继续我在 Firefox 中的开发。

于 2009-11-16T19:02:52.473 回答