我已经将代码放在一起,以便在 excel 中使用 vba 使用 vlookup。但是,我收到一条错误消息,指出“无法获取 WorkSheet 函数类的 VLOOKUP 属性”。“CustomerNumberList”是一个两列范围。我相信我的问题是使用 VLookup 功能。我使用“Offset”作为我希望 VLookup 在工作表中开始查找的指示符,在本例中为 .Find “cust_num”(y+1, 0)。如何指示我希望 VLookup 输入公司名称的哪一列?目前我的模块有一个 Select Case 函数,可以在每个单元格中获取公司名称,但我正在处理数千行,因此可能需要 20 分钟才能运行。我希望这种方式更快。有人可以提供帮助吗?

示例 Excel 表:VLookup 范围表

Cust_Num    Company Name
10001       CompanyX
10002       CompanyX
10003       CompanyX
10004       CompanyX
10005       CompanyX
10006       CompanyX
10007       CompanyX
10008       CompanyX
10009       CompanyX
10010       CompanyY
10011       CompanyY
10012       CompanyY
10013       CompanyY
10014       CompanyY
10015       CompanyY
10016       CompanyY
10017       CompanyY


OrderID Cust_Num    Company Name    Customer Name   ShipLocation    Cost    Price
1       10001         VLookupHere    Rand                Dallas    $1.00    $2.00
2       10002             "          Rand                Chicago    $2.00   $3.00
3       10003              "         Rand               Florida    $1.00    $2.00
4       10004              "          Wel                California $1.33   $2.33
5       10005                         Wel                Dallas    $1.33    $2.33
6       10006                         Wel                Chicago    $1.33   $2.33
7       10007                        Sead                Florida    $1.33   $2.33
8       10008                        Sead                California $1.33   $2.33
9       10009                        Sead                Dallas    $1.33    $2.33
10      10010                        Sead                Chicago    $1.33   $2.33
11      10011                        Sead                 Florida   $1.33   $2.33
12      10012                        Sead                California $1.33   $2.33
13      10013                        Campe                Dallas    $1.33   $2.33
14      10014                        Campe                Chicago   $1.33   $2.33
15      10015                        Campe                Florida   $1.33   $2.33
16      10016                        Campe               California $1.33   $2.33
17      10017                        Campe                Dallas    $1.33   $2.33


Dim Nu As Range
Dim cmpny As Range
Dim v As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Offset As Range
Dim result As String
'Insert company name into each row based on cust_num
Set Nu = Sheets("CustomerNumberList").Range("A1") 'set Nu = cust_name region
Set cmpny = Sheets("CustomerNumberList").Range("A1").CurrentRegion 'set cmpny = cell range
For Each ws In Sheets
    If ws.Name Like "*Sheet*" Then
        v = ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'set v = number of rows
        Set Nm = ws.Rows(1).Find("cust_num", LookAt:=xlPart)
        For y = 0 To v
         Set Offset = Nm.Offset(1 + y, 0)
         result = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Nu.Value, cmpny, 2, Offset, False)      **'ERROR HERE**
    End If
End Sub

1 回答 1

Sub Update()

Dim rngNums As Range
Dim cmpny As Range
Dim v As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim result As Variant
Dim c As Range, nm As Range

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

    On Error GoTo haveError

    'lookup range
    Set cmpny = Sheets("CustomerNumberList").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
    For Each ws In Sheets
        If ws.Name Like "*Sheet*" Then

            v = ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'set v = number of rows

            Set nm = ws.Rows(1).Find("cust_num", LookAt:=xlPart)

            If Not nm Is Nothing Then
                Set rngNums = ws.Range(nm.Offset(1, 0), ws.Cells(v, nm.Column))
                For Each c In rngNums.Cells
                    If c.Value <> "" Then
                        'Next line drops the WorksheetFunction to avoid raising error
                        '   if the value is not found - instead, test the return value
                        result = Application.VLookup(c.Value, cmpny, 2, False)
                        c.Offset(0, 1).Value = IIf(IsError(result), "???", result)
                    End If
                Next c
                Debug.Print "No 'cust_num' in row 1 on sheet '" _
                             & ws.Name & "'"
            End If

        End If
    Next ws

    If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

End Sub
于 2013-07-03T05:01:15.803 回答