I'm currently trying to setup a ipython notebook server as a common place for several researchers to collaborate. I've successfully set this up on a an Ubuntu installation on a VMWare VM on Windows 7. But to make this more "robust", I'm attempting to run this on a server supported by our technology group. Our technology group insists on paying for a license, and consequently they've stood up a VM running RHEL 6 and have given me admin privileges.
My question is: can I set up ipython notebook server on RHEL 6? Should it be a difficult task?
I have several potential points of failure:
- I'm behind a proxy and have had to work with our security team to get appropriate ports open to be able to update via 'yum update'
- Using RHEL 6 and after including the EPEL repository, I still can't seem to find appropriate packages for ipython-notebook.
- I'm not a linux admin. I dabble and figure stuff out, but a guru I am not.
If RHEL 6 isn't the appropriate distribution to run notebook, then I need to know that so I can get access to something more appropriate. If it is viable, then I need some direction on what the expected setup process is.