是否可以配置 Eclipse (Juno) 以打开 .jsp 文件,以便它识别 jsp 语法并应用特定于语言的格式?
1 回答
I use the jsp editor from the eclipse java web development tools package. I have kepler, but I'm sure you'll find something similar in juno. Go to help:install new software and select a work with site (I chose Kepler - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/kepler). Then scroll down to find web, xml, javaee, osgi and you'll find the eclipse java web development tools there.
The jsp editor is ok but it does have some quirks. The right click to select the editor works only within eclipse. This is not the javaee package.
(edit) -- oops --
Should've expanded the comments before I posted. You already got your answer.