[FILE You cannot edit a tag once it's been created]
file = /tags/**
access = read-only
users = @ALL
[FILE You cannot edit a tag once it's been created]
file = /tags/*
access = add-only
users = @ALL
您可以在分支中执行相同的操作。在这里,2.2 分支被完全锁定,只有 Bob 和 Carol 可以在 2.3 分支准备发布时对其进行更改:
[FILE No one is allowed to touch the 2.2 branch. It is dead]
file = /branches/2.2
access = read-only
users = @all
[FILE Only Bob and Carol can make changes to the 2.3 branch]
file = /branches/2.3/**
access = read-only
users = @ALL
[FILE Only Bob and Carol can make changes to the 2.3 branch]
file = /branches/2.3/**
access = read-write
users bob, carol