我正在读取一个 excel 文件并将数据逐列添加到集合中。一旦遇到空值,它就会在下面的行中爆炸:

exampleDataList.Add(new PersonalData {firstname = col1Value.ToString(),lastname = col2Value.ToString(), address=col3Value.ToString(), salary=col4Value.ToString() });

public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file)
    const int startRow = 1;

    if (file != null && Path.GetExtension(file.FileName) == ".xlsx")
        IList<PersonalData> exampleDataList = new List<PersonalData>();
        using(var excel = new ExcelPackage(file.InputStream))
            //open and read the xlsx file.                   
                //Get the work book in the file
            ExcelWorkbook workBook = excel.Workbook;
                if (workBook != null)
                    if (workBook.Worksheets.Count > 0)
                        //Get the first worksheet
                        ExcelWorksheet currentWorkSheet = workBook.Worksheets.First();

                        for (int rowNumber = startRow + 1; rowNumber <= currentWorkSheet.Dimension.End.Row; rowNumber++)
                        // read each row from the start of the data (start row + 1 header row) to the end of the spreadsheet.
                            object col1Value = currentWorkSheet.Cells[rowNumber, 1].Value;
                            object col2Value = currentWorkSheet.Cells[rowNumber, 2].Value;
                            object col3Value = currentWorkSheet.Cells[rowNumber, 3].Value;
                            object col4Value = currentWorkSheet.Cells[rowNumber, 4].Value;                             

                            if ((col1Value != null && col2Value != null))
                                exampleDataList.Add(new PersonalData {firstname = col1Value.ToString(),lastname = col2Value.ToString(), address=col3Value.ToString(), salary=col4Value.ToString() });


                        int myresultcount = WriteToDb(exampleDataList);



    return RedirectToAction("Index");        


public class PersonalData
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string  firstname { get; set; }
    public string lastname { get; set; }
    public string address { get; set; }
    public string salary { get; set; }




3 回答 3


我相信您忘记检查 value3 和 value4 是否为 null,或者如果这些值允许为 null,则在执行之前检查它们是否为 nullToString()

if (col1Value != null && col2Value != null && 
    col3Value != null && col4Value != null)
    exampleDataList.Add(new PersonalData 
          firstname = col1Value.ToString(),
          lastname = col2Value.ToString(), 
          address = col3Value.ToString(), 
          salary = col4Value.ToString() 


if (col1Value != null && col2Value)
    exampleDataList.Add(new PersonalData 
       firstname = col1Value.ToString(),
       lastname = col2Value.ToString(), 
       address = col3Value != null ? col3Value.ToString() : String.Empty, 
       salary = col4Value.ToString() != null ? col4Value.ToString() : String.Empty
于 2013-07-02T18:07:33.967 回答

检查第 3 列和第 4 列中的空值:

if ((col1Value != null && col2Value != null && col3Value != null && col4Value != null))
    exampleDataList.Add(new PersonalData {firstname = col1Value.ToString(),lastname = col2Value.ToString(), address=col3Value.ToString(), salary=col4Value.ToString() });

或者,如果您想要第 3 列和第 4 列的空字符串而不是 NULL:

if ((col1Value != null && col2Value != null))
    exampleDataList.Add(new PersonalData {
            firstname = col1Value.ToString(),
            lastname  = col2Value.ToString(), 
            address   = col3Value == null ? "" : col3Value.ToString(), 
            salary    = col4Value == null ? "" : col4Value.ToString() });

为了简化 NULL 检查,您可以利用将+空字符串用于空值并自动调用.ToString()对象的行为:

if ((col1Value != null && col2Value != null))
    exampleDataList.Add(new PersonalData
            firstname = col1Value.ToString(),
            lastname  = col2Value.ToString(), 
            address   = "" + col3Value, 
            salary    = "" + col4Value
于 2013-07-02T18:08:11.943 回答

您缺少对 colXValue 对象的一些验证,您应该在尝试对其调用 ToString() 方法之前进行验证。


如果您想忽略在任何列中具有 null 的任何记录,则只需扩展您的:

 if ((col1Value != null && col2Value != null))


 if (    col1Value != null 
      && col2Value != null
      && col3Value != null
      && col4Value != null)


 object col1Value = currentWorkSheet.Cells[rowNumber, 1].Value;
 object col2Value = currentWorkSheet.Cells[rowNumber, 2].Value;
 object col3Value = currentWorkSheet.Cells[rowNumber, 3].Value;
 object col4Value = currentWorkSheet.Cells[rowNumber, 4].Value;
 if (col1Value == null) col1Value = string.Emtpy;
 if (col2Value == null) col2Value = string.Emtpy;
 if (col3Value == null) col3Value = string.Emtpy;
 if (col4Value == null) col4Value = string.Emtpy;
 exampleDataList.Add(new PersonalData {firstname = col1Value.ToString(),lastname = col2Value.ToString(), address=col3Value.ToString(), salary=col4Value.ToString() });
于 2013-07-02T18:14:15.800 回答