I have a custom user object class appuser
public class appuser
public Int32 ID { get; set; }
public Int32 ipamuserID { get; set; }
public Int32 appID { get; set; }
public Int32 roleID { get; set; }
public Int16 departmenttypeID { get; set; }
public generaluse.historycrumb recordcrumb { get; set; }
public appuser() { }
public appuser(DataRow dr)
ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["AppUserID"].ToString());
ipamuserID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["IpamUserID"].ToString());
appID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["AppID"].ToString());
roleID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["AppRoleID"].ToString());
departmenttypeID = Convert.ToInt16(dr["AppDepartmentTypeID"].ToString());
recordcrumb = new generaluse.historycrumb(dr);
public void appuserfill(DictionaryEntry de, ref appuser _au)
//Search for key in appuser given by de and set appuser property to de.value
How do I set the property within the appuser object that is passed as the key in the DictionaryEntry without knowing what the key initially is?
for example: de.key = ipamuserID, dynamically find the property within _au and set the value = de.value?