我创建了一个用户定义的函数来显示公司的匹配程度。只要我用作 thisRange 的范围小于或接近第 2800 行,此函数就非常有效。我有一个 4000 家公司的列表,当我尝试将这些公司包含在超过 2800 行中时,该函数不起作用。范围只能这么大吗?有没有办法解决这个问题?
Function bestMatch(company As String, thisRange As Range) As String
Dim min As Double, nextMin As Double
Dim cell As Range
Dim score As Double
Dim best As String, str As String, nextBest As String
min = 99999
nextMin = 99999
For Each cell In thisRange.Cells
str = cell.Value
substr1 = Left(str, 1)
substr2 = Left(company, 1)
score = Leven(company, str)
If score < min And substr1 = substr2 Then
min = score
best = str
ElseIf score = min And substr1 = substr2 Then
min = score
best = str + " && " + best
ElseIf score > min And score <= nextMin And substr1 = substr2 Then
nextMin = score
nextBest = str
min = min
best = best
End If
If min > 15 Then
bestMatch = "No Match Found"
ElseIf min <= 15 Then
bestMatch = "1. " + best + " 2. " + nextBest
End If
End Function