I (like probably so many before me) tried to use the deprecated Assembly.Load(Byte[]) method to load an assembly into an application domain where said assembly data is transmitted over the network and therefore has technically no physical presence. I think I've been through just about every nook and cranny to try to get this to work, but I'm pretty convinced this is impossible (at least perhaps using my current methods).

I guess my question is, is it true that in order to load an assembly, it must be located in the CodeBase/GAC of the application? If so, why is that?


2 回答 2




于 2013-07-02T14:57:05.370 回答

当然不是。您只需要 .dll 文件的实际字节 [] 数据,在您调用 Load 方法后,它会在 CLR 中加载一切正常。

于 2013-07-02T14:58:12.923 回答