为了绘制三个变量 x1、x2 和 x3 的经验累积密度,我在 r 中使用了以下内容:
plot.ecdf(x1, col="blue",
main="Distribution XYZ",
xlab="x_i", ylab="Prob(x_i<=y)")
lines(ecdf(x2), col="red") # adds a line
lines(ecdf(x3), col="green") # adds line
legend(600,0.6, # places a legend from (x,y)=(600,0.6) on
c("x1","x2","x3"), # puts text in the legend
lty=c(1,1,1), # gives the legend appropriate symbols (lines)
lwd=c(1,1,1),col=c("blue","red","green")) # gives the legend lines the correct color and width
然而,结果图在框旁边的 0 和 1 处有两条水平线(虚线)。并且,盒子的原点在垂直轴上的零以下有一个空格,在水平轴上零的左边有一个空格。您能否建议如何删除这些空间和附加行。我想要但无法发布情节。
n <- 1000; u <- runif(n)
a <- -4.46; b <- 1.6; c <- -4.63
d <- ( a * u ) + (b * ( ( 1.5 * ( u ** 2 )) - 0.5 )) + (c * ( (2.5 * (u ** 3)) - (1.5 * u )))
x1 <- -126/d; x2 <- -131/d; x3 <- -187/d