我无法理解调用接受元组作为输入的 Java UDF 的方式。

gsmCell = LOAD '$gsmCell' using PigStorage('\t') as
           cellId: int,
           lac: int,
           lon: double,
           lat: double

gsmCellFiltered = FILTER gsmCell BY     cellId     is not null and
                                        lac        is not null and
                                        lon        is not null and
                                        lat        is not null;

gsmCellFixed = FOREACH gsmCellFiltered GENERATE FLATTEN (pig.parser.GSMCellParser(* ) )  as
                                                (cellId: int,
                                                 lac: int,
                                                 lon: double,
                                                 lat: double,

当我使用 () 为 GSMCellParser 包装输入时,我进入了 UDF:Tuple(Tuple)。Pig 确实将所有字段包装成元组并将其放入另一个元组中。

当我尝试传递字段列表时,请使用 * 或 $0 .. 我确实得到了异常:

sed by: org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.validators.TypeCheckerException: ERROR 1045: 
<line 28, column 57> Could not infer the matching function for pig.parser.GSMCellParser as multiple or none of them fit. Please use an explicit cast.
    at org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.visitor.TypeCheckingExpVisitor.visit(TypeCheckingExpVisitor.java:761)
    at org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.UserFuncExpression.accept(UserFuncExpression.java:88)
    at org.apache.pig.newplan.ReverseDependencyOrderWalker.walk(ReverseDependencyOrderWalker.java:70)
    at org.apache.pig.newplan.PlanVisitor.visit(PlanVisitor.java:52)
    at org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.visitor.TypeCheckingRelVisitor.visitExpressionPlan(TypeCheckingRelVisitor.java:191)
    at org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.visitor.TypeCheckingRelVisitor.visit(TypeCheckingRelVisitor.java:157)
    at org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOGenerate.accept(LOGenerate.java:246)

我做错了什么?我的目标是用元组喂养我的 UDF。元组应包含字段列表。(即元组的大小应为 4:cellid、lac、lon.lat)


--filter non valid records
gsmCellFiltered = FILTER gsmCell BY     cellId     is not null and
                                        lac        is not null and
                                        lon        is not null and
                                        lat        is not null and
                                        azimuth    is not null and
                                        angWidth   is not null;

gsmCellFilteredGrouped = GROUP gsmCellFiltered ALL;

--fix records
gsmCellFixed = FOREACH gsmCellFilteredGrouped GENERATE FLATTEN                  (pig.parser.GSMCellParser($1))  as
                                                        (cellId: int,
                                                         lac: int,
                                                         lon: double,
                                                         lat: double,
                                                         azimuth: double,
                                                         midDist: double,
                                                         cellType: chararray,
                                                         angWidth: double,
                                                         gen: chararray,
                                                         startAngle: double

Caused by: org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.validators.TypeCheckerException: ERROR 1045: 
<line 27, column 64> Could not infer the matching function for pig.parser.GSMCellParser as multiple or none of them fit. Please use an explicit cast.

这个 UDF 的输入模式是:Tuple 我不明白。元组是一组有序的字段。LOAD 函数返回一个元组给我。我想将整个元组传递给我的 UDF。


1 回答 1


T EvalFunc<T>.eval(Tuple)方法的签名中,您可以看到所有 EvalFunc UDF 都传递了一个元组 - 这个元组包含传递给 UDF 的所有参数。


从概念上讲,如果您希望元组只包含您应该调用 as 的字段GSMCellParser(cellid, lac, lat, lon),那么传递给 eval func 的元组将具有(int, int, double, double). 这也使您的元组编码更容易,因为您不必从传递的“元组中的元组”中找出字段,而是您知道字段 0 是 cellid,字段 1 是 lac,等等。

于 2013-07-11T00:54:21.610 回答