I am having trouble getting unit tests working for an Angular JS app using Jasmine and RequireJs. I have created a Plunker here

The problem I am having is around the creation of a module. If I include the setup for the Angular module in my controller, like so (see Controller.js in Plunker):

angular.module('catalogManagementApp', []);

then everything works fine. However, this module is created in another file, so this won’t work. So if I try and setup the module in my test using the Angular Mocks module function I get an error saying "No module: catalogManagementApp".

If you look at the ControllerTests.js file, this makes sense because RequireJS is loading the Controller before my call to Angular Mocks to create the module:


However, I am not sure how to get this working. As you can see from the commented out code in the ControllerTests.js file I have tried moving the require call for the Controller to after the call to setup the module, but this causes the Jasmine test runner to fail and still the same no module error.

The running of Jasmine with RequireJs code was adapted from this


1 回答 1


我有很多问题变得棱角分明,嘲笑和需要与茉莉花玩得很好。最后,答案很明显,您需要启动 jasmine 并确保它符合您的规格。这是我所做的精简版,我希望它有助于让你走上正轨。

/* this would be 'main'*/
    paths: {
        'jasmine-boot': 'lib/jasmine/boot',
        'jashtml': 'lib/jasmine/jasmine-html',
        'jasmine': 'lib/jasmine/jasmine',            
        'angular': 'lib/angular',           
        'angular-mocks': 'lib/angular-mocks',
        'app': 'src/app',           
        'test': 'spec/first.spec',
    shim: {
        'jashtml': {
            deps: ['jasmine']
        'jasmine-boot': {
            deps: ['jasmine', 'jashtml']
        'angular': {
            exports: "angular"
        'angular-mocks': {
            exports: "angular.mock",
            deps: ['angular']
        'test': {
            deps: ['angular-mocks']

require(['jasmine-boot'], function () {
    require(['test'], function () {
        //trigger Jasmine

/*this would be 'first.spec'*/
 define(['app'], function (app) {

    var  mockScope, controller;

    function init() {
                return  angular.mock.inject(function ($injector, _$rootScope_, _$controller_) {                  
                    mockScope = _$rootScope_.$new();             

                    controller = _$controller_('testCtrl', {                        
                        $scope: mockScope


    describe('expect require', function () {


        describe('to be ', function() {
            it('clever', function () {                
                var foo = "bar";

/*jasmine spec runner*/
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Jasmine Spec Runner v2.1.3</title>
        <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="jasmine_favicon.png">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="jasmine.css">
        <script src="../../require.js" data-main="main.js"></script>
于 2015-04-28T19:25:21.377 回答