I'm building a website that will surface data from a third party system. The third party will provide a copy of all the data I need as a SQL restore file (*.bak) inside a rar file on their sftp server. The data changes every day, so my application will need to connect to the sftp site, get the file, unzip it, then restore it into my database server every night. I'm fairly comfortable scripting this in a standard windows environment, but the customer would prefer the application to be built on the MS Azure cloud, which doesn't seem to support a common solution to the problem. It's possible we could abandon Azure, but I'd like to know what the best strategy would be for implementing in Azure if it's possible.


1 回答 1


这取决于您是尝试使用 Azure PaaS(云服务和 SQL Azure)还是 IaaS(VM)。如果您在 Windows Azure 上使用虚拟机,那么 Windows Azure 和您熟悉的 Windows 环境之间没有区别 - 所以是的,您可以在 Windows Azure 上执行此操作。

这在 Azure 云服务和 SQL Azure(SQL Azure 无法恢复 .bak 文件)中真的无法做到。但是您的应用程序似乎不是那种可以作为云服务运行的应用程序。


于 2013-07-02T12:57:42.450 回答