i have query regarding passing param objects to $resource get method.

in the backend restful application i am not getting the routeparam values passed . here my sample code

on clicking the search button from the html page it is moving to controller as mentioned in myapp.js

myapp.js var app = angular.module('myApp', [ 'MyServices']);

app.config([ '$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {

.when('/employeesearch/:empID/:deptID', {
    templateUrl : 'partials/result.html',
    controller : SearchController
    redirectTo : '/defaultsearch'
});} ]);

on doing console.log in controller.js file , the routeparams values are displayed correctly


function SearchController($scope, $routeParams, EmployeeSearch) $scope.mydata = EmployeeSearch.getSearchResult($routeParams.empID,$routeParams.deptID);



angular.module('MyServices', ['ngResource']).

factory('EmployeeSearch', function($resource){
return $resource('rest/employees/:eID/:dID', {}, {
query: {method:'GET', params:{}, isArray:false},
getSearchResult:{method:'GET', params:{eID:'empID',dID:'deptID'}}

backend restful java class

@Path("/employees") public class EmployeeSearchService {




public Employee searchmethod(@PathParam("eID") String empId, @PathParam("dID") String deptId) {

        return new Employee(); }

on hitting the restful url :http:localhost:9080/MyProject/rest/employees/e12/d12
- the value of eid is 'e12' and did is "d12"

but on hitting via the anugular it is displaying the value of eid as "empID" and did as "deptID",

it is displaying the value as i mentioned in the myservices.js file

Can you please help me out in this? what am i giving wrongly?

Reference site: https://github.com/teunh/jfall2012/blob/master/demo/web/index.html


1 回答 1



factory('EmployeeSearch', function($resource){
    return $resource('rest/employees/:eID/:dID', {}, {
        query: {method:'GET', params:{}, isArray:false},
        getSearchResult:{method:'GET', params:{eID:'empID',dID:'deptID'}}

要传递您在 中捕获的值$routeParams,您可以将调用中的对象中的值传递给getSearchResult控制器​​,如下所示:

function SearchController($scope, $routeParams, EmployeeSearch) {
    $scope.mydata = EmployeeSearch.getSearchResult({
        eID: $routeParams.empID,
        dID: $routeParams.deptID


于 2013-07-02T12:58:57.557 回答