尝试在 GitLab 中查看 .java(和其他)文件时出现以下错误:



Started GET "/xbjoernx/Project1/blob/master/src/de/xbjoernx/project1/NotificationRedirect.java" for  at 2013-07-02 12:00:44 +0200
Processing by BlobController#show as HTML
  Parameters: {"project_id"=>"xbjoernx/Project1", "id"=>"master/src/de/xbjoernx/project1/NotificationRedirect.java"}
  Rendered shared/_ref_switcher.html.haml (2.2ms)
  Rendered blob/_actions.html.haml (457.1ms)
  Rendered blob/_text.html.haml (482.3ms)
  Rendered blob/_blob.html.haml (972.0ms)
  Rendered blob/show.html.haml within layouts/project_resource (990.9ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1020ms

ActionView::Template::Error (EPIPE):
    9:   .file_content.code
    10:     - unless blob.empty?
    11:       %div{class: user_color_scheme_class}
    12:         = raw blob.colorize(formatter: :gitlab)
    13:     - else
    14:       %p.nothing_here_message Empty file
  app/views/blob/_text.html.haml:12:in `_app_views_blob__text_html_haml__85795113__642493118'
  app/views/blob/_blob.html.haml:28:in `_app_views_blob__blob_html_haml__678936362__642626818'
  app/views/blob/show.html.haml:4:in `_app_views_blob_show_html_haml___279560956__642657458'

1 回答 1


它似乎与您正在使用的 python相关联:

通过重新安装/更新 python 或确保/usr/bin/envpython >= 2.5 且 < 3.0,修复了 blob.colorize 行上的最后 3 个异常问题。下一个版本将包含对此的检查。

issue 2177中也有说明:

→ python -V
Python 2.7.2+

→ python2 -V
No command 'python2' found, did you mean:

问题 2214补充说:

这是一个问题,因为 Python 正在 2.x 和 3 之间过渡。
问题是,一些发行版已经发布(或即将发布 Python3 作为默认版本),因此依赖 python 成为 2.x 是危险的。所以我认为切换到 python2 是正确的,因为这可以在所有情况下修复。

必要时修复 Python 的说明:

# Install Python
sudo apt-get install python

# Make sure that Python is 2.x (3.x is not supported at the moment)
python --version

# If it's Python 3 you might need to install Python 2 separately
sudo apt-get install python2.7

# Make sure you can access Python via `python2`
python2 --version
# If you get a "command not found" error create a link to the python binary
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python2
于 2013-07-02T10:32:24.187 回答