我知道在 Java 中一个 int 可以得到 2,147,483,647 的值。但我想要更多的价值。例如,我有一个公式:

double x = a/(b*c); 

所以分母 (b*c) 可以达到 10^10 甚至更高。但每当我执行公式时,该值始终限制为 2,147,483,647。我知道,因为 x 必须始终小于 1.0。P/S:如果满足某些条件,即使变量“a”也可以达到 10^10。a,b,c 都是整数。


4 回答 4



BigInteger a = new BigInteger("yourNumberInStringFormA");
BigInteger b = new BigInteger("yourNumberInStringFormB");
BigInteger c = new BigInteger("yourNumberInStringFormC");

BigInteger x = a.divide(b.multiply(c));

Where"yourNumberInStringForm"是可选的减号和数字(没有空格或逗号)。例如BigInteger z = new BigIntger("-3463634"); NB:如果您的号码在其范围内, BigInteger实际上会为您返回 a 。以 结尾,如:longlongsL

long num = 372036854775807L;

a 的最大长度为long:9,223,372,036,854,775,807。如果你的数字比这个少,它会让你的生活更容易使用,long或者Long它的包装,结束BigInteger。由于 with long,您不必使用除法/乘法等方法。

于 2013-07-02T03:57:47.360 回答

The max int value is a java language constant. If you want real numbers larger than what int provides, use long. If you need integers larger than what int and long provide, you can use BigInteger:

BigInteger a = new BigInteger("9");
BigInteger b = new BigInteger("3");
BigInteger c = a.add(b); // c.equals(new BigInteger("12"), a and b are unchanged

BigInteger is immutable just like Long and Integer, but you can't use the usual operator symbols. Instead use the methods provided by the class.

I also notice you're ending up with a double. If it's okay to use doubles throughout your formula, it's worth noting that their max value is: 1.7976931348623157 E 308

Read more about java language constants.

于 2013-07-02T03:34:46.643 回答

Use a long type, still an integer type but its maximum value is higher than int

于 2013-07-02T03:33:50.687 回答


double x = a / ((double) b * c);

a 和 c 将被 java 自动转换为 double。请参阅http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-5.html#jls-5.1.2 如果任一操作数是双精度类型,则另一个将转换为双精度。

于 2013-07-02T03:55:35.207 回答