我正在为 AtomicInteger 和 AtomicBoolean 编写单元测试。它们将用作参考测试,用于在 Objective-c 中测试这些类的仿真,用于翻译项目。
我认为 AtomicInteger 测试效果很好,基本上是通过在大量 for 循环中执行可预测数量的递增、递减、加法和减法操作,每个循环都在自己的线程中运行(每种操作类型有许多线程)。实际操作使用 CountDownLatch 同时开始。
但是如何测试 AtomicBoolean?基本操作是获取和设置,因此在许多线程中多次调用并期望最终结果为真或假似乎没有意义。我正在考虑的方向是使用两个应该始终具有相反值的 AtomicBooleans。像这样:
public void testAtomicity() throws Exception {
// ==== SETUP ====
final AtomicBoolean booleanA = new AtomicBoolean(true);
final AtomicBoolean booleanB = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final int threadCount = 50;
final int iterationsPerThread = 5000;
final CountDownLatch startSignalLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final CountDownLatch threadsFinishedLatch = new CountDownLatch(threadCount);
final AtomicBoolean assertFailed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
// ==== EXECUTE: start all threads ====
for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) {
// ==== Create the thread =====
AtomicOperationsThread thread;
thread = new AtomicOperationsThread("Thread #" + i, booleanA, booleanB, startSignalLatch, threadsFinishedLatch, iterationsPerThread, assertFailed);
System.out.println("Creating Thread #" + i);
// ==== Start the thread (each thread will wait until the startSignalLatch is triggered) =====
// ==== VERIFY: that the AtomicInteger has the expected value after all threads have finished ====
final boolean allThreadsFinished;
allThreadsFinished = threadsFinishedLatch.await(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertTrue("Not all threads have finished before reaching the timeout", allThreadsFinished);
private static class AtomicOperationsThread extends Thread {
// ##### Instance variables #####
private final CountDownLatch startSignalLatch;
private final CountDownLatch threadsFinishedLatch;
private final int iterations;
private final AtomicBoolean booleanA, booleanB;
private final AtomicBoolean assertFailed;
// ##### Constructor #####
private AtomicOperationsThread(final String name, final AtomicBoolean booleanA, final AtomicBoolean booleanB, final CountDownLatch startSignalLatch, final CountDownLatch threadsFinishedLatch, final int iterations, final AtomicBoolean assertFailed) {
this.booleanA = booleanA;
this.booleanB = booleanB;
this.startSignalLatch = startSignalLatch;
this.threadsFinishedLatch = threadsFinishedLatch;
this.iterations = iterations;
this.assertFailed = assertFailed;
// ##### Thread implementation #####
public void run() {
// ==== Wait for the signal to start (so all threads are executed simultaneously) =====
try {
System.out.println(this.getName() + " has started. Awaiting startSignal.");
startSignalLatch.await(); /* Awaiting start signal */
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("The startSignalLatch got interrupted.", e);
// ==== Perform the atomic operations =====
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
final boolean booleanAChanged;
booleanAChanged = booleanA.compareAndSet(!booleanB.get(), booleanB.getAndSet(booleanA.get())); /* Set A to the current value of B if A is currently the opposite of B, then set B to the current value of A */
if (!booleanAChanged){
System.out.println("Assert failed in thread: " + this.getName());
// ==== Mark this thread as finished =====
这适用于一个线程,但会失败多个。我想这是因为booleanAChanged = booleanA.compareAndSet(!booleanB.get(), booleanB.getAndSet(booleanA.get()));