Computing the Levenshtein distances for a sliding window boils down to computing the distances between several pairs of vertices in an acyclic directed planar graph that looks like this one (capital letters denote the pairs).
h a y s t a c k
n A-B-C-D-E-F-*-*
e *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
e *-*-A-B-C-D-E-F
The horizontal and vertical arcs have cost 1; the diagonal arcs have cost 0 if the corresponding letters match or 1 otherwise.
Since all of the paired vertices lie on the infinite face, Klein's or Cabello-Chambers's multiple-source shortest paths algorithm can be used to compute the needed distances in time O(m n log (m n)).
To shave the final log (and practically speaking, it's much worse than for, e.g., Dijkstra's algorithm), you might look in Alexander Tiskin's manuscript Semi-local string comparison: Algorithmic techniques and applications, which treats problems similar to this one if not this one itself. (Probably that should be my primary answer, but I haven't read it and know the multiple-source shortest path techniques a lot better.)
It's also possible that, with some additional logic to handle the unidirectional edges, my multiple-source shortest path algorithm with Klein could be made to achieve O(m n).