我试图让 Access 2000 数据库在 Access 2010 运行时中运行,并删除有关文件不受信任的警告对话框。我做了一些研究,发现了 SelfCert.exe 程序。 这是一个很好的证书教程。 这也是。 甚至 Microsoft 也有关于 Access 2000 的说明,表明该菜​​单项应该存在。但是,Access 2000 VBA IDE 中的工具菜单没有数字签名菜单项。更糟糕的是,当我右键单击菜单栏以自定义工具菜单时,我确实Digital Signature...在自定义列表中看到了该项目。当我单击并拖动以将其添加到“工具”菜单时,它会忽略我的命令。多么固执!如果我单击并将其他任何内容拖动到“工具”菜单,它就像一个魅力。什么?!

如何安装该菜单项?或者,更好的是,当我从 Access 2010 运行时打开数据库时,如何让我的数据库不出现安全警告?



3 回答 3


After some more significant research, I discovered the answer to my second question, which was ultimately what I wanted an answer to. How do I get rid of the potential security concern dialog when opening an Access 2000 database in the Access 2010 runtime?

Microsoft Access Security Notice

Basically, you need to add the database to the list of trusted locations. The Access 2010 runtime does not offer a UI for this feature, so you have to do it programmatically. This website offers the code: Utter Access Add Trusted Location

I modified it for the specific requirements in this situation. Run an Access 2000 database in Access 2010 runtime. You will need to modify it for other versions of the runtime depending on the registry settings. Also, I read that this will not work in Windows 8. But I also found that you do NOT need administrative privileges to run this code because it only modifies the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive in the registry, which the current user has full access to.

Public Function AddTrustedLocation()
On Error GoTo err_proc
'You do not need administrator privileges
'since it only affects the HK_CURRENT_USER hive
'sets registry key for 'trusted location'

Dim intLocns As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim intNotUsed As Integer
Dim strLnKey As String
Dim reg As Object
Dim strPath As String
Dim strTitle As String

strTitle = "Add Trusted Location"
Set reg = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
strPath = CurrentProject.path

'Specify the registry trusted locations path for the Access 2010 runtime
strLnKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Access\Security\Trusted Locations\Location"

On Error GoTo err_proc0
'find top of range of trusted locations references in registry
For i = 999 To 0 Step -1
    reg.RegRead strLnKey & i & "\Path"
    GoTo chckRegPths        'Reg.RegRead successful, location exists > check for path in all locations 0 - i.
MsgBox "Unexpected Error - No Registry Locations found", vbExclamation
    GoTo exit_proc

    'Check if Currentdb path already a trusted location
    'reg.RegRead fails before intlocns = i then the registry location is unused and
    'will be used for new trusted location if path not already in registy

    On Error GoTo err_proc1:
    For intLocns = 1 To i
        reg.RegRead strLnKey & intLocns & "\Path"
        'If Path already in registry -> exit
        If InStr(1, reg.RegRead(strLnKey & intLocns & "\Path"), strPath) = 1 Then GoTo exit_proc

    If intLocns = 999 Then
        MsgBox "Location count exceeded - unable to write trusted location to registry", vbInformation, strTitle
        GoTo exit_proc
    End If
    'if no unused location found then set new location for path
    If intNotUsed = 0 Then intNotUsed = i + 1

    'Write Trusted Location regstry key to unused location in registry
    On Error GoTo err_proc:
    strLnKey = strLnKey & intNotUsed & "\"
    reg.RegWrite strLnKey & "AllowSubfolders", 1, "REG_DWORD"
    reg.RegWrite strLnKey & "Date", Now(), "REG_SZ"
    reg.RegWrite strLnKey & "Description", Application.CurrentProject.Name, "REG_SZ"
    reg.RegWrite strLnKey & "Path", strPath & "\", "REG_SZ"

      Set reg = Nothing
      Exit Function

      Resume checknext

      If intNotUsed = 0 Then intNotUsed = intLocns
      Resume NextLocn

      MsgBox Err.Description, , strTitle
      Resume exit_proc

End Function

I added this function to the AutoExec macro. When the user first logs on, they do receive the security notice; however, it will never appear again as long as the document remains in the trusted location it was first run at. Woo-hoo!

于 2013-08-27T21:53:53.993 回答

这里接受的答案是我正在寻找的,但提供的代码太远了,所以我重写了大部分。如果您来这里寻找代码,请查看我的解决方案。它可以动态地与任何版本的 Access 一起使用。它允许网络位置。主子接受变量,以便您可以信任任何给定的位置。有一个TrustCurrentProject子可以做@Bobort 想要的。

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
' TrustIssues by HackSlash 2019-01-21
'   Use this module to trust Access paths
'   Removes those annoying security pop-ups
Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000
Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003

Const REG_SZ = 1
Const REG_BINARY = 3
Const REG_DWORD = 4
Const REG_MULTI_SZ = 7

' Returns a collection of sub-keys from the given hive\key passed in
Public Function EnumerateKeys(ByVal hive As Variant, ByVal key As String) As Collection
    Set EnumerateKeys = New Collection

    Dim reg As Object
    Set reg = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/default:StdRegProv")
    Dim allSubKeys As Variant
    reg.EnumKey hive, key, allSubKeys
    If Not IsNull(allSubKeys) Then
        Dim subkey As Variant
        For Each subkey In allSubKeys
            EnumerateKeys.Add subkey
    End If
End Function

' Adds registry key for  new trusted location.
Public Sub AddTrustedLocation(ByVal locName As String, ByVal trustPath As String, ByVal descript As String)
    ' You do not need administrator privileges since it only affects HKEY_CURRENT_USER

    On Error GoTo err_proc

    ' Get version of Access that is running now
    Dim version As String
    version = Application.SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessVer)

    ' Specify the registry trusted locations path for the Access runtime based on the detected version
    Dim regKeyPath As String
    regKeyPath = "Software\Microsoft\Office\" & version & "\Access\Security\Trusted Locations"

    ' Collect all the currently trusted locations
    Dim trustedLocations As Collection
    Set trustedLocations = EnumerateKeys(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regKeyPath)

    Dim registry As Object
    Set registry = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/default:StdRegProv")

    ' Turn on "Allow Netowrk Locations"
    registry.SetDWORDValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regKeyPath, "AllowNetworkLocations", 1

    ' Check if the path is already a trusted location
    Dim locKey As Variant
    For Each locKey In trustedLocations
        If locKey = locName Then Exit Sub

        On Error Resume Next
        Dim thePath As String
        Debug.Print registry.GetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regKeyPath & "\" & locKey, "Path", thePath)

        If thePath = trustPath Then Exit Sub
    Next locKey

    On Error GoTo err_proc
    ' Write Trusted Location regstry key to specified location
    regKeyPath = regKeyPath & "\" & locName
    Debug.Print registry.CreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regKeyPath)
    Debug.Print registry.SetDWORDValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regKeyPath, "AllowSubfolders", 1)
    Debug.Print registry.SetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regKeyPath, "Date", CStr(Date))
    Debug.Print registry.SetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regKeyPath, "Description", descript)
    Debug.Print registry.SetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regKeyPath, "Path", trustPath)         

    If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Description, , "ERROR while trusting this project"

End Sub

Public Sub TrustCurrentProject()
    AddTrustedLocation Replace(CurrentProject.Name, " ", vbNullString), CurrentProject.Path, CurrentProject.Name
End Sub
于 2019-01-21T21:17:34.177 回答

Access 2000 不支持此功能,此功能仅在 Access 2003 中添加。

于 2013-07-30T10:10:29.813 回答