我正在将基本的 2D 渲染器更改为 3D 饼图渲染器。它绘制了一个 3D 饼图,但所有功能(如高亮和切片数据)都丢失了。请帮忙。
在库中我已经替换了 jqplot.pieRenderer 我已经用 jqplot.pieRemdere3D 替换了everyting 并添加了下面提到的函数:
//========My function begin@ashwni ==================
function ash(rad,color,data){
var lastend = 0;
var data=data;
var myTotal = 0; // Automatically calculated so don't touch
//filling the array wid global variable window.mycol
//var myColor = [window.mycol[0],window.mycol[1],window.mycol[2],window.mycol[3],window.mycol[4],window.mycol[5],window.mycol[6],window.mycol[7],window.mycol[8],window.mycol[9],window.mycol[10],window.mycol[11],window.mycol[12],window.mycol[13],window.mycol[14],window.mycol[15]];
var myColor=[];
//console.log("data is"+color);
for(var e = 0; e <data.length; e++)
myTotal += data[e][1];
for (var j=0;j<window.n;j++){
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
{ ctx.beginPath();
if (j == 0 ||j==1||j==2) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(10,5,5,0.02)';
// ctx.arc(0,0,rad,0,2*Math.PI,false);
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = (myColor[i]);
lastend += Math.PI*2*(data[i][1]/myTotal);
//====================My function end==============
if (fill) {
else {
// called with scope of series
$.jqplot.PieRenderer3D.prototype.draw = function (ctx, gd, options, plot) {
var i;
var opts = (options != undefined) ? options : {};
// offset and direction of offset due to legend placement
var offx = 0;
var offy = 0;
var trans = 1;
// =========Declaring mycol as a Global variable@ashwni=============
window.mycol =this.seriesColors;
var colorGenerator = new $.jqplot.ColorGenerator(this.seriesColors);
if (options.legendInfo && options.legendInfo.placement == 'insideGrid') {
var li = options.legendInfo;
switch (li.location) {
case 'nw':
offx = li.width + li.xoffset;
case 'w':
offx = li.width + li.xoffset;
case 'sw':
offx = li.width + li.xoffset;
case 'ne':
offx = li.width + li.xoffset;
trans = -1;
case 'e':
offx = li.width + li.xoffset;
trans = -1;
case 'se':
offx = li.width + li.xoffset;
trans = -1;
case 'n':
offy = li.height + li.yoffset;
case 's':
offy = li.height + li.yoffset;
trans = -1;
var shadow = (opts.shadow != undefined) ? opts.shadow : this.shadow;
var fill = (opts.fill != undefined) ? opts.fill : this.fill;
var cw = ctx.canvas.width;
var ch = ctx.canvas.height;
var w = cw - offx - 2 * this.padding;
var h = ch - offy - 2 * this.padding;
var mindim = Math.min(w,h);
var d = mindim;
// Fixes issue #272. Thanks hugwijst!
// reset slice angles array.
this._sliceAngles = [];
var sm = this.sliceMargin;
if (this.fill == false) {
sm += this.lineWidth;
var rprime;
var maxrprime = 0;
var ang, ang1, ang2, shadowColor;
var sa = this.startAngle / 180 * Math.PI;
// have to pre-draw shadows, so loop throgh here and calculate some values also.
for (var i=0, l=gd.length; i<l; i++) {
ang1 = (i == 0) ? sa : gd[i-1][1] + sa;
ang2 = gd[i][1] + sa;
this._sliceAngles.push([ang1, ang2]);
rprime = calcRPrime(ang1, ang2, this.sliceMargin, this.fill, this.lineWidth);
if (Math.abs(ang2-ang1) > Math.PI) {
maxrprime = Math.max(rprime, maxrprime);
if (this.diameter != null && this.diameter > 0) {
this._diameter = this.diameter - 2*maxrprime;
else {
this._diameter = d - 2*maxrprime;
// Need to check for undersized pie. This can happen if
// plot area too small and legend is too big.
if (this._diameter < 6) {
$.jqplot.log('Diameter of pie too small, not rendering.');
var r = this._radius = this._diameter/2;
this._center = [(cw - trans * offx)/2 + trans * offx + maxrprime * Math.cos(sa), (ch - trans*offy)/2 + trans * offy + maxrprime * Math.sin(sa)];
if (this.shadow) {
for (var i=0, l=gd.length; i<l; i++) {
shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,'+this.shadowAlpha+')';
this.renderer.drawSlice.call (this, ctx, this._sliceAngles[i][0], this._sliceAngles[i][1], shadowColor, true);
for (var i=0; i<gd.length; i++) {
this.renderer.drawSlice.call (this, ctx, this._sliceAngles[i][0], this._sliceAngles[i][1], colorGenerator.next(), false);
if (this.showDataLabels && gd[i][2]*100 >= this.dataLabelThreshold) {
var fstr, avgang = (this._sliceAngles[i][0] + this._sliceAngles[i][1])/2, label;
if (this.dataLabels == 'label') {
fstr = this.dataLabelFormatString || '%s';
label = $.jqplot.sprintf(fstr, gd[i][0]);
else if (this.dataLabels == 'value') {
fstr = this.dataLabelFormatString || '%d';
label = $.jqplot.sprintf(fstr, this.data[i][1]);
else if (this.dataLabels == 'percent') {
fstr = this.dataLabelFormatString || '%d%%';
label = $.jqplot.sprintf(fstr, gd[i][2]*100);
else if (this.dataLabels.constructor == Array) {
fstr = this.dataLabelFormatString || '%s';
label = $.jqplot.sprintf(fstr, this.dataLabels[i]);
var fact = (this._radius ) * this.dataLabelPositionFactor + this.sliceMargin + this.dataLabelNudge;
var x = this._center[0] + Math.cos(avgang) * fact + this.canvas._offsets.left;
var y = this._center[1] + Math.sin(avgang) * fact + this.canvas._offsets.top;
var labelelem = $('<div class="jqplot-pie-series jqplot-data-label" style="position:absolute;">' + label + '</div>').
if (this.dataLabelCenterOn) {
x -= labelelem.width() / 2;
y -= labelelem.height() / 2;
else {
x -= labelelem.width() * Math.sin(avgang / 2);
y -= labelelem.height() / 2;
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
labelelem.css({left:x ,top:y});
$.jqplot.PieAxisRenderer3D = function() {
$.jqplot.PieAxisRenderer3D.prototype = new $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer();
$.jqplot.PieAxisRenderer3D.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.PieAxisRenderer3D;
// There are no traditional axes on a pie chart. We just need to provide
// dummy objects with properties so the plot will render.
// called with scope of axis object.
$.jqplot.PieAxisRenderer3D.prototype.init = function(options){
this.tickRenderer = $.jqplot.PieTickRenderer;
$.extend(true, this, options);
// I don't think I'm going to need _dataBounds here.
// have to go Axis scaling in a way to fit chart onto plot area
// and provide u2p and p2u functionality for mouse cursor, etc.
// for convienence set _dataBounds to 0 and 100 and
// set min/max to 0 and 100.
this._dataBounds = {min:0, max:100};
this.min = 0;
this.max = 100;
this.showTicks = false;
this.ticks = [];
this.showMark = false;
this.show = false;
$.jqplot.PieLegendRenderer3D = function(){
$.jqplot.PieLegendRenderer3D.prototype = new $.jqplot.TableLegendRenderer();
$.jqplot.PieLegendRenderer3D.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.PieLegendRenderer3D;
* Class: $.jqplot.PieLegendRenderer
* Legend Renderer specific to pie plots. Set by default
* when user creates a pie plot.
$.jqplot.PieLegendRenderer3D.prototype.init = function(options) {
// Group: Properties
// prop: numberRows
// Maximum number of rows in the legend. 0 or null for unlimited.
this.numberRows = null;
// prop: numberColumns
// Maximum number of columns in the legend. 0 or null for unlimited.
this.numberColumns = null;
$.extend(true, this, options);
// called with context of legend
$.jqplot.PieLegendRenderer3D.prototype.draw = function() {
var legend = this;
if (this.show) {
var series = this._series;
this._elem = $(document.createElement('table'));
var ss = {position:'absolute'};
if (this.background) {
ss['background'] = this.background;
if (this.border) {
ss['border'] = this.border;
if (this.fontSize) {
ss['fontSize'] = this.fontSize;
if (this.fontFamily) {
ss['fontFamily'] = this.fontFamily;
if (this.textColor) {
ss['textColor'] = this.textColor;
if (this.marginTop != null) {
ss['marginTop'] = this.marginTop;
if (this.marginBottom != null) {
ss['marginBottom'] = this.marginBottom;
if (this.marginLeft != null) {
ss['marginLeft'] = this.marginLeft;
if (this.marginRight != null) {
ss['marginRight'] = this.marginRight;
// Pie charts legends don't go by number of series, but by number of data points
// in the series. Refactor things here for that.
var pad = false,
reverse = false,
var s = series[0];
var colorGenerator = new $.jqplot.ColorGenerator(s.seriesColors);
if (s.show) {
var pd = s.data;
if (this.numberRows) {
nr = this.numberRows;
if (!this.numberColumns){
nc = Math.ceil(pd.length/nr);
nc = this.numberColumns;
else if (this.numberColumns) {
nc = this.numberColumns;
nr = Math.ceil(pd.length/this.numberColumns);
else {
nr = pd.length;
nc = 1;
var i, j;
var tr, td1, td2;
var lt, rs, color;
var idx = 0;
var div0, div1;
for (i=0; i<nr; i++) {
tr = $(document.createElement('tr'));
if (reverse){
for (j=0; j<nc; j++) {
if (idx < pd.length){
lt = this.labels[idx] || pd[idx][0].toString();
color = colorGenerator.next();
if (!reverse){
if (i>0){
pad = true;
pad = false;
if (i == nr -1){
pad = false;
pad = true;
rs = (pad) ? this.rowSpacing : '0';
td1 = $(document.createElement('td'));
td1.addClass('jqplot-table-legend jqplot-table-legend-swatch');
td1.css({textAlign: 'center', paddingTop: rs});
div0 = $(document.createElement('div'));
div1 = $(document.createElement('div'));
div1.css({backgroundColor: color, borderColor: color});
td2 = $(document.createElement('td'));
td2.addClass('jqplot-table-legend jqplot-table-legend-label');
td2.css('paddingTop', rs);
if (this.escapeHtml){
else {
if (reverse) {
else {
pad = true;
return this._elem;
$.jqplot.PieRenderer3D.prototype.handleMove = function(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) {
if (neighbor) {
var ins = [neighbor.seriesIndex, neighbor.pointIndex, neighbor.data];
plot.target.trigger('jqplotDataMouseOver', ins);
if (plot.series[ins[0]].highlightMouseOver && !(ins[0] == plot.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightedSeriesIndex && ins[1] == plot.series[ins[0]]._highlightedPoint)) {
plot.target.trigger('jqplotDataHighlight', ins);
highlight (plot, ins[0], ins[1]);
else if (neighbor == null) {
unhighlight (plot);
// this.eventCanvas._elem.bind($.jqplot.eventListenerHooks[i][0], {plot:this}, $.jqplot.eventListenerHooks[i][1]);
// setup default renderers for axes and legend so user doesn't have to
// called with scope of plot
function preInit(target, data, options) {
options = options || {};
options.axesDefaults = options.axesDefaults || {};
options.legend = options.legend || {};
options.seriesDefaults = options.seriesDefaults || {};
// only set these if there is a pie series
var setopts = false;
if (options.seriesDefaults.renderer == $.jqplot.PieRenderer3D) {
setopts = true;
else if (options.series) {
for (var i=0; i < options.series.length; i++) {
if (options.series[i].renderer == $.jqplot.PieRenderer3D) {
setopts = true;
if (setopts) {
options.axesDefaults.renderer = $.jqplot.PieAxisRenderer3D;
options.legend.renderer = $.jqplot.PieLegendRenderer3D;
options.legend.preDraw = true;
options.seriesDefaults.pointLabels = {show: false};
function postInit(target, data, options) {
for (var i=0; i<this.series.length; i++) {
if (this.series[i].renderer.constructor == $.jqplot.PieRenderer3D) {
// don't allow mouseover and mousedown at same time.
if (this.series[i].highlightMouseOver) {
this.series[i].highlightMouseDown = false;
// called with scope of plot
function postParseOptions(options) {
for (var i=0; i<this.series.length; i++) {
this.series[i].seriesColors = this.seriesColors;
this.series[i].colorGenerator = $.jqplot.colorGenerator;
function highlight (plot, sidx, pidx) {
var s = plot.series[sidx];
var canvas = plot.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightCanvas;
canvas._ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas._ctx.canvas.width, canvas._ctx.canvas.height);
s._highlightedPoint = pidx;
plot.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightedSeriesIndex = sidx;
s.renderer.drawSlice.call(data,s, canvas._ctx, s._sliceAngles[pidx][0], s._sliceAngles[pidx][1], s.highlightColorGenerator.get(pidx), false);
function unhighlight (plot) {
var canvas = plot.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightCanvas;
canvas._ctx.clearRect(0,0, canvas._ctx.canvas.width, canvas._ctx.canvas.height);
for (var i=0; i<plot.series.length; i++) {
plot.series[i]._highlightedPoint = null;
plot.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightedSeriesIndex = null;
function handleMove(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) {
if (neighbor) {
var ins = [neighbor.seriesIndex, neighbor.pointIndex, neighbor.data];
var evt1 = jQuery.Event('jqplotDataMouseOver');
evt1.pageX = ev.pageX;
evt1.pageY = ev.pageY;
plot.target.trigger(evt1, ins);
if (plot.series[ins[0]].highlightMouseOver && !(ins[0] == plot.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightedSeriesIndex && ins[1] == plot.series[ins[0]]._highlightedPoint)) {
var evt = jQuery.Event('jqplotDataHighlight');
evt.which = ev.which;
evt.pageX = ev.pageX;
evt.pageY = ev.pageY;
plot.target.trigger(evt, ins);
highlight (plot, ins[0], ins[1]);
else if (neighbor == null) {
unhighlight (plot);
function handleMouseDown(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) {
if (neighbor) {
var ins = [neighbor.seriesIndex, neighbor.pointIndex, neighbor.data];
if (plot.series[ins[0]].highlightMouseDown && !(ins[0] == plot.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightedSeriesIndex && ins[1] == plot.series[ins[0]]._highlightedPoint)) {
var evt = jQuery.Event('jqplotDataHighlight');
evt.which = ev.which;
evt.pageX = ev.pageX;
evt.pageY = ev.pageY;
plot.target.trigger(evt, ins);
highlight (plot, ins[0], ins[1]);
else if (neighbor == null) {
unhighlight (plot);
function handleMouseUp(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) {
var idx = plot.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightedSeriesIndex;
if (idx != null && plot.series[idx].highlightMouseDown) {
function handleClick(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) {
if (neighbor) {
var ins = [neighbor.seriesIndex, neighbor.pointIndex, neighbor.data];
var evt = jQuery.Event('jqplotDataClick');
evt.which = ev.which;
evt.pageX = ev.pageX;
evt.pageY = ev.pageY;
plot.target.trigger(evt, ins);
function handleRightClick(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) {
if (neighbor) {
var ins = [neighbor.seriesIndex, neighbor.pointIndex, neighbor.data];
var idx = plot.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightedSeriesIndex;
if (idx != null && plot.series[idx].highlightMouseDown) {
var evt = jQuery.Event('jqplotDataRightClick');
evt.which = ev.which;
evt.pageX = ev.pageX;
evt.pageY = ev.pageY;
plot.target.trigger(evt, ins);
// called within context of plot
// create a canvas which we can draw on.
// insert it before the eventCanvas, so eventCanvas will still capture events.
function postPlotDraw() {
// Memory Leaks patch
if (this.plugins.PieRenderer3D && this.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightCanvas) {
this.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightCanvas = null;
this.plugins.PieRenderer3D = {highlightedSeriesIndex:null};
this.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightCanvas = new $.jqplot.GenericCanvas();
// do we have any data labels? if so, put highlight canvas before those
var labels = $(this.targetId+' .jqplot-data-label');
if (labels.length) {
$(labels[0]).before(this.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightCanvas.createElement(this._gridPadding, 'jqplot-PieRenderer3D-highlight-canvas', this._plotDimensions, this));
// else put highlight canvas before event canvas.
else {
this.eventCanvas._elem.before(this.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightCanvas.createElement(this._gridPadding, 'jqplot-PieRenderer3D-highlight-canvas', this._plotDimensions, this));
var hctx = this.plugins.PieRenderer3D.highlightCanvas.setContext();
this.eventCanvas._elem.bind('mouseleave', {plot:this}, function (ev) { unhighlight(ev.data.plot); });
$.jqplot.PieTickRenderer3D = function() {
$.jqplot.PieTickRenderer3D.prototype = new $.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer();
$.jqplot.PieTickRenderer3D.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.PieTickRenderer;