I need to write a LightSwitch application, which displays a grid with data from 2 different tables, which are located in 2 different databases.

There is table A with column BankId in one database and table B with columns BankId and BankName. I need to display BankName as well as some data from table A.

Is it possible to implement this in LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2012?

If yes, how?


1 回答 1



1)在一个数据库中创建一个数据库视图,将表 A 连接到另一个数据库中的表 B,并将该视图作为外部数据库数据源的一部分导入

2) 创建一个 RIA 域服务数据源,该数据源在内部以与上述 1 相同的方式进行连接。互联网上有很多关于为 LightSwitch 创建 RIA 服务的文章。

选项 1 可能是最快的。

于 2013-07-10T09:46:19.810 回答