我正在阅读 Caleb Doxsey 的围棋书,我有两个关于fmt.Scanf http://www.golang-book.com/4的问题

我想知道为什么程序在第二次 Scanf 之后没有停止并等待用户输入?以及如何测试用户是否输入了整数和/或没有留空?

package main

import (

// compute square roots by using Newton's method

func main() {

var x float64           //number to take square root
var y float64           //this is the guess
var q float64           //this is the quotient
var a float64           //this is the average

// how do check if the user entered a number
fmt.Print("Enter a number to take its square root: ")
var inputSquare float64
fmt.Scanf("%f", &inputSquare)

// why doesn't program stop after 
// the Print statement and wait
// for user input?
fmt.Print("Enter first guess ")
var inputGuess float64
fmt.Scanf("%f", &inputGuess)

//x = 2
x = inputSquare
y = inputGuess

for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {   //set up the for loop for iterations
    q = x/y                 //compute the quotient; x and y are given
    a = (q + y) / x         //compute the average       
    y = a                   //set the guess to the average              
}                           //for the next loop

fmt.Println("y --> ", y)
//fmt.Println("Sqrt(2)", math.Sqrt(2))

1 回答 1


更新大约十年前已修复。 现在阅读的文档fmt

在所有扫描函数中,回车后紧跟换行符被视为普通换行符(\r\n 与 \n 相同)。

如果您继续遇到扫描错误,请注意这不是您的 IDE 的错

这是问题 5391 : fmt:在 Windows 的行尾Scanf拒绝。\r\n


var inputSquare float64
n, err := fmt.Scanf("%f\n", &inputSquare)
if err != nil || n != 1 {
    // handle invalid input
    fmt.Println(n, err)

var inputGuess float64
n, err = fmt.Scanf("%f\n", &inputGuess)
if err != nil || n != 1 {
    // handle invalid input
    fmt.Println(n, err)




func Scanf(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)



package main

import (

// compute square roots by using Newton's method
func main() {
    var x float64 //number to take square root
    var y float64 //this is the guess
    var q float64 //this is the quotient
    var a float64 //this is the average

    fmt.Print("Enter a number to take its square root: ")
    var inputSquare float64
    n, err := fmt.Scanf("%f\n", &inputSquare)
    if err != nil || n != 1 {
        // handle invalid input
        fmt.Println(n, err)

    fmt.Print("Enter first guess ")
    var inputGuess float64
    n, err = fmt.Scanf("%f\n", &inputGuess)
    if err != nil || n != 1 {
        // handle invalid input
        fmt.Println(n, err)

    x = inputSquare
    y = inputGuess
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        q = x / y       // compute the quotient; x and y are given
        a = (q + y) / x // compute the average
        y = a           // set the guess to the average
    fmt.Printf("sqrt(%g) = %g\n", x, y)


Enter a number to take its square root: 2.0
Enter first guess 1.0
sqrt(2) = 1.414213562373095

我在 Windows 7 上使用了 Go 1.1.1:

C:\>go version
go version go1.1.1 windows/amd64  
于 2013-07-01T11:48:09.050 回答