I'm trying to write an etags target in make based on the dependency information generated by gcc. Is there some way of getting at all the dependencies in one go? Or, failing that, how would I write a rule that is only executed when the "tags" target is made and that passes all the source and header files to etags? I only want to index the files actually compiled (including headers). I'm aware that I can sed around in the .d files myself but I'm trying to find a more elegant and less brittle solution.
I have the following (excerpt)
%.o : %.c
@echo "Compiling $<"
$(NO_ECHO) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MMD -MF $(@:.o=.d) -o $@ -c $<
%.o : %.S
@echo "Compiling $<"
$(NO_ECHO) $(CC) $(ASFLAGS) -MMD -MF $(@:.o=.d) -o $@ -c $<
@echo "Linking $@"
$(NO_ECHO) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJFILES) $(LIBS:%=-l%)
.PHONY: clean
# Order-only dependency to make Dep/obj-directories if they are not
# present
$(NO_ECHO) mkdir -p $(ALLPATHS)
# Depend on the makefiles
# Include dependency files
sinclude $(DEPFILES)
Edit : The following seems to work but I'd really like to find a more elegant solution (the double sort/uniq is just for performance).
tags : $(TARGET)
cat $(DEPFILES) | sort | uniq | sed 's/.*:.*$$//' | tr -d '\\' | tr "\n" " " | xargs -n 1 readlink -f | sort | uniq | xargs etags -a