This topic is confusing, I know. I can't really say what my problem is about. In few words I'll explain whats going on - I've got a AWS (amazon web service) where I've got node.js with script that looks like that:
#!/usr/bin/env node
var fs = require('fs');
var outfile = "slogan.txt";
var text = "A startup is a business built to grow rapidly.\n";
console.log("Script: " + __filename + "\nWrote: " + text + "To: " + outfile);
pretty simple, right? Cool! I want to execute it from my computer so i'm doing it like that
ssh host1 node week2/part1.js
where host1 is working properly in 100% and its connection with .pem between MAC and AWS. Script got executed:
Bitmakers-iMac:~ Bitmaker$ ssh host1 node week2/part1.js
Script: /home/ubuntu/week2/part1.js
Wrote: A startup is a business built to grow rapidly.
To: slogan.txt
but... there is no slogan.txt! I have to get conenction inside server
ssh host1
and then run it form server. Can anyone can explain me why its working like that?
I udnerstand its may still be confusing but I hope this screenshot will help a bit in understanding this. Thanks for reading this long post! I hope you know the answer.