
你会看到我正在写出一个文件:file_put_contents(). implode("\r\n", $contents)...包含$contents变量。

我需要$body_file_count增加if ($i == $per_file) {...

很明显 $contents 数组在这种情况下无法更新变量值$body_file_count



$default_contents=$contents=array("BODY CONTENT TOP . "$body_file_count" . ");

在每次 if($i == $per_file) {迭代中。显然,$body_file_count如果我可以将 $file_count 传递给$contentas$file_count按预期更新标题,我可以报废。

$body_file_count = 0;
$footer = "FOOTER";
$default_contents = $contents = array("BODY CONTENT TOP . "$body_file_count" . ");

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $line = "...";
    $contents[] = $line; // Each array element will be a line in the text file
    if ($i == $per_file) {
        $contents[] = $footer; // Add the footer to the end
        file_put_contents($_POST["a"] . "-#" . $file_count .  "-" . date('Y') . "-" . $_POST["b"] . "-" . $recs . "-" . $txtdate .  '.txt', implode("\r\n", $contents));
        $i = 0;
        $recs = 0;
        $contents = $default_contents;
    } // End of if()
} // End of while()

1 回答 1


首先请注意,您忘记在 $default_contents 初始化中添加字符串连接运算符 (".")

我不知道我是否很好地理解了你的问题。如果我很好地理解了您的问题,您可以尝试在每次更改 $body_file_count++ 时更新 $default_contents

$body_file_count = 0;
$footer = "FOOTER";
$default_contents = $contents = array("BODY CONTENT TOP . " . $body_file_count . " . ");

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $line = "...";
    $contents[] = $line; // Each array element will be a line in the text file
    if ($i == $per_file) {
        $contents[] = $footer; // Add the footer to the end
        file_put_contents($_POST["a"] . "-#" . $file_count .  "-" . date('Y') . "-" . $_POST["b"] . "-" . $recs . "-" . $txtdate .  '.txt', implode("\r\n", $contents));
        $i = 0;
        $recs = 0;
        $default_contents = array("BODY CONTENT TOP . " . $body_file_count . " . ");
        $contents = $default_contents;
    } // End of if()
} // End of while()


$body_file_count = 0;
$footer = "FOOTER";
$contents = array("BODY CONTENT TOP . " . $body_file_count . " . ");

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $line = "...";
    $contents[] = $line; // Each array element will be a line in the text file
    if ($i == $per_file) {
        $contents[] = $footer; // Add the footer to the end
        file_put_contents($_POST["a"] . "-#" . $file_count .  "-" . date('Y') . "-" . $_POST["b"] . "-" . $recs . "-" . $txtdate .  '.txt', implode("\r\n", $contents));
        $i = 0;
        $recs = 0;
        $contents = array("BODY CONTENT TOP . " . $body_file_count . " . ");
    } // End of if()
} // End of while()

于 2013-07-01T08:28:45.373 回答