我在另一个 Activity 类中使​​用了相同的模式,并且效果很好。但是在这个类(也是一个活动)中,永远不会调用 getView。我通过记录 fbFriendMatchAdapter.getCount() 确认适配器中有 9 个项目。我尝试将数据源更改为 String[] 变量,但这对(缺少)getView 没有影响。


//Here is the ArrayList data source definition.
//It is loaded using a for loop with 9 values.
private List<String> fbFriendMatchAdapter=new ArrayList<String>();

// Here is the Custom Array Adapter
ArrayAdapter<String> fbFriendMatchAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
        R.layout.row_left, R.id.ListViewName, fbFriendPotentialMatchArrayList) { 

    public View getView(final int dialogPosition, View convertView, ViewGroup listParent) {
        LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();
        View fbFriendMatchDialogViewRow = inflater.inflate(R.layout.row_left, listParent, false); 
        Log.d(BBTAG, String.format("BBSetup getView[%s] name=%s", dialogPosition, buddyDisplayName ));

        return fbFriendMatchDialogViewRow;
    }  // [END getView]

    public String getItem(int position) {
        return fbFriendPotentialMatchArrayList.get(position);


//Here is the dialog that includes the ArrayAdapter:
AlertDialog fbFriendsMatchDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(new ContextThemeWrapper(context, R.style.PetesSpinnerReplacement))
        .setTitle("Select Correct Facebook Friend")  //FYI overridden by custom title
        .setAdapter(fbFriendMatchAdapter, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int selectedFBFriend) {
                buddyFBUIDs[buddyNumber] = fbFriendUIDsList.get(selectedFBFriend);  
        .setMessage("No matches found")
        .setPositiveButton("Set as Facebook Friend", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
             public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int iFriend) {
        .setNegativeButton("Friend Not Listed", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
                buddyFBUIDs[buddyNumber] = "n/a";  //record lack of FB uid
        .create();  //build dialog
fbFriendsMatchDialog.show();  // now show dialog 

1 回答 1



private class MatchAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
    private List<String> mItems;
    private LayoutInflater mInflater;

    public MatchAdapter (Context c, List<String> items) {
        mItems = items;

        //Cache a reference to avoid looking it up on every getView() call
        mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(c); 

    public int getCount () {
        return mItems.size();

    public long getItemId (int position) {
        return position;

    public Object getItem (int position) {
        return mItems.get(position);

    public View getView (int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        //If there's no recycled view, inflate one and tag each of the views
        //you'll want to modify later
        if (convertView == null) {
            convertView = mInflater.inflate (R.layout.row_left, parent, false);

            //This assumes layout/row_left.xml includes a TextView with an id of "textview"
            convertView.setTag (R.id.textview, convertView.findViewById(R.id.textview));

        //Retrieve the tagged view, get the item for that position, and
        //update the text
        TextView textView = (TextView) convertView.getTag(R.id.textview);
        String textItem = (String) getItem(position);

        return convertView;
于 2013-07-01T05:19:52.850 回答