
我正在寻找一个基于 Web 的脚本/应用程序,它可以将 MS Access 数据库转换为文本/csv 任何形式的可读文件。

我需要它基于网络的原因是我们的管理层目前使用访问数据库软件包来创建和跟踪用户数据。它们导出用户注册所需的表子集(通过保存为不同扩展名的 mdb 类型)。这目前是通过软件提供商网站处理的。问题在于软件提供商不再为注册表单提供开发支持。

我们不希望更改 Access 数据库的整个基础,如果可能的话,我只想提供一个解决方案,打开并转换上传的文件(mdb 类型)并将其转换为文本模式,或者任何真正可以启用的东西我们为上传的表格动态生成基于 Web 的表单。


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但是,出于所有实际目的,托管网站必须运行 ASP.net 之类的东西,并且还支持读取 mdb/accdDB 文件。

我的意思是在 99% 的相同情况下支持 JET/ACE 数据库引擎的大多数网站也支持 .net 代码。

如果您正在运行自己的 Web 服务器,尤其是 asp.net,那么这应该没问题。

但是,您没有提及这是您自己的 Web 服务器还是托管的?而且你没有提到你有什么样的主机?

请记住,您的网站在计算机上运行。该计算机可以是 Mac 计算机、Windows 计算机或 Linux。您只需将软件 + 程序安装到该计算机上,就像台式计算机一样。

如果那台计算机是基于 Linux 的,那么您将无法在该网站上安装您的 vb.net 软件。因此,您的网站运行在哪种计算机和操作系统上将决定它将运行哪种软件。

如果您的站点当前是 asp.net 托管站点,并且它们支持读取 Access 文件(支持 JET/ACE),那么我不明白为什么一点 vb.net(或 c#)应用程序不能用很少的东西编写努力上传该文件,然后读取内容。

I think before go looking for some software to do such a conversion I would FIRST find out and figure out what computer platform your web site is running on now. You THEN need to find out if that computer hosting the web site has support for JET (now called ACE) data engine.

It is a walk in the walk in the park to have some code open + read the mdb or accDB file and send that data to the web sites SQL server. However you can ONLY do this if your site in question has support for the JET/ACE database engine. (or you have your own server and you are ALLOWED to install the JET/ACE engine).

So a solution program (off the self) does exist then AGAIN 9 out of 10 times such a solution will REQUIRE that the JET/ACE engine be installed on your hosted web site.

So just keep in mind that like windows or Mac computer or even a tablet computer – the web server is EXACTLY the SAME in regards to WHAT software will run on that web site.

So without knowing what kind of web hosting you have then it becomes rather hard to suggest a working solution that will be able to run + be installed on your web site since we don't even know what kind of software can be installed on your web site now?

If you current web hosting does not allow the JET/ACE data engine to be installed it is VERY unlikely that EVEN if you found some software that does a conversion for you then such software will NOT install on your existing web site.

Any competent asp.net developer should with quite ease allow one to select a local mdb file, upload to server and then have web code open up the mdb file and pull out table data to sql server.

The only real thing stopping this process is as noted what kind of web server you have and what kind of software it will run.

Keep in mind the issue is OFTEN what kind of software you can install on the web server.

Just about every web provider allows managed code (c# or vb.net) code to be up-loaded on the server to be run. However installing NON managed code like the JET/ACE database engine is a VERY VERY different matter.

Starting point: You need a web provider that supports the JET/ACE database engine or you need to be running your own web server that allows you to install the JET/ACE database engine.

Furthermore how would the software you install know the table names in Access and also know the table names in SQL server and also where to send the data?

At the end of the day all of the software bits and parts rather common exist if you have your own ISS server with asp.net. And if your provider is using asp.net AND ALSO supports JET/ACE then AGAIN you have all the software required.

As such then your code can use ftp or even HTTP to upload that file. All of these features are built into the .net framework assuming your web hosting provider allows asp.net + JET/ACE.

于 2013-07-01T02:11:40.193 回答