我想知道是否可以在 zf2 中为路由/uris 使用翻译工具。例如,我想要将路径en.domain.tld/article/show/1
. 我不认为正则表达式是去这里的方式,因为它可能会导致类似en.domain.tld/artikel/show/1
. 另外我想避免为每种语言创建路由,因为随着系统的扩展它会变得非常混乱。
3 回答
I was able to get it working!
First, add a 'router_class' => 'Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\TranslatorAwareTreeRouteStack',
your module.config.php
like this:
return array (
'router' => array (
'router_class' => 'Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\TranslatorAwareTreeRouteStack',
'routes' => array(),
Second, you must provide a translator (preferably in your module.php) as well as a translation file:
class Module
public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)
// Load translator
$translator = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('translator');
// setup the translation file. you can use .mo files or whatever, check the translator api
$translator->addTranslationFile('PhpArray', __DIR__.'/language/routes/de_DE.php', 'default', 'de_DE');
$app = $e->getTarget();
// Route translator
$app->getEventManager()->attach('route', array($this, 'onPreRoute'), 100);
public function onPreRoute($e){
$app = $e->getTarget();
$serviceManager = $app->getServiceManager();
now, you should be able to use translations in your route definitions like the following:
return array (
'router' => array (
'routes' => array(
'login' => array (
'type' => 'Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Segment',
'may_terminate' => true,
'options' => array (
'route' => '/{login}',
'defaults' => Array(
'controller' => '...',
create the translation (in this example a phpArray located in module/language/routes/de_DE.php):
return array(
'login' => 'anmelden',
If I didn't forget anything, you should be good to go. I got it working in my case, so if it doesn't with the instructions above, don't hesitate to comment and I'll sort things out.
从 ZF 2.2.0 开始,您会发现已经有一个实现。据我所知,没有此功能的文档,但是在查看单元测试时,您应该可以试一试:
我将尝试在今天某个时候设置一个有效的示例设置,但不能做出任何承诺 - 测试应该让你开始!
作为上述 onPreRoute 回调的补充:
$serviceManager->get('router')->setTranslatorTextDomain(' TEXT_DOMAIN_HERE ');