function countSv_AV_total(){
$sql = "select Verzekeringen.naam,\n"
. " count(*) total,\n"
. " sum(case when (Age <= 18) then 1 else 0 end) Age18,\n"
. " sum(case when (Age BETWEEN 19 AND 30) then 1 else 0 end) Age19,\n"
. " sum(case when (Age BETWEEN 31 AND 50) then 1 else 0 end) Age30,\n"
. " sum(case when (Age BETWEEN 51 AND 69) then 1 else 0 end) Age50,\n"
. " sum(case when (Age >= 70) then 1 else 0 end) Age70\n"
. " from customers\n"
. " INNER JOIN Verzekeringen\n"
. " ON customers.AV=Verzekeringen.verzekeringcode\n"
. " AND Label =1\n"
. " group by Verzekeringen.naam LIMIT 0, 30 ";
echo $this->db->last_query().'<br />';
return $this->db->count_all_results('customers','Verzekeringen');
我正在使用这个 SQL,并且在 Mysql 工作台中它给出了正确的输出。现在我希望它能够将它传递给 codeigniter Table 类。
当 foreach 未接收数据时出现错误:
遇到 PHP 错误
消息:为 foreach() 提供的参数无效