I maintain a fairly complex makefile for Arduino.
In the makefile, I have target to build *.hex
file from *.cpp
file. After the *.hex
file is generated, I want to check whether the hex size of the file is less than the flash memory of the microcontroller.
To do that, I have added another target called verify_size
which touches a *.sizeok
file if the hex size is less.
Following is the relevant code
ifneq ($(strip $(HEX_MAXIMUM_SIZE)),1)
ifeq ($(shell expr `$(call avr_size,$(TARGET_HEX)) | grep Program | awk '{print $$2}'` '<' $(HEX_MAXIMUM_SIZE)), 1)
touch $@
@$(ECHO) Maximum Hex size is not specified. Make sure the hex file that you are going to upload is less than microcontrollers flash memory
verify_size: $(TARGET_HEX) $(TARGET_HEX).sizeok
The problem I am facing is that when the makefile is run for the very first time, I get a error saying that the hex file doesn't exist.
After some debugging I found that makefile first goes through the entire file before executing it. When it does this initial pass, the hex file not created yet and therefore the statements which does the parsing of hex file is not executed at all.
Is there a way by which I add dynamic conditions in makefile so that I can find the size of the hex file that was just generated?
Based on @beta 's suggestion I changed the code to
$(OBJDIR)/%.hex: $(OBJDIR)/%.elf $(COMMON_DEPS)
$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex -R .eeprom $< $@
$(call avr_size,$<,$@)
ifneq ($(strip $(HEX_MAXIMUM_SIZE)),)
if [ `$(SIZE) $@ | awk 'FNR == 2 {print $$2}'` -le $(HEX_MAXIMUM_SIZE) ]; then touch $@.sizeok ; fi
@$(ECHO) Maximum Hex size is not specified. Make sure the hex file that you are going to upload is less than microcontrollers flash memory
and it is working. But there is one small issue though.
In the above code, I am using a variable defined in makefile $(SIZE)
. But when this shell script executes, the value is not replaced. Instead it just replaces it with an empty value.
It works if I hardcode the value, but I am not able to use the value of the variable defined in makefile. Is it possible to access it?
I have posted a separate question for variable expansion issue.