我已经编写了一些 ADF 网络应用程序。现在我想将它部署在 Weblogic 服务器上。我安装并配置了几乎所有东西。例如:Weblogic、ADF 运行时

对 WLS 的部署很好。

[04:16:37 PM] [Deployer:149194]Operation 'deploy' on application 'Application1_ViewController_webapp' has succeeded on 'Server'
[04:16:37 PM] Application Deployed Successfully.
[04:16:37 PM] The following URL context root(s) were defined and can be used as a starting point to test your application:
[04:16:37 PM] http://[2001:0:9d38:953c:200e:224f:f5ff:f983]:7203/MyApp
[04:16:37 PM] Elapsed time for deployment:  37 seconds
[04:16:37 PM] ----  Deployment finished.  ----

但在我的情况下:测试 URL 是 http://[2001:0:9d38:953c:200e:224f:f5ff:f983]:7203/MyApp 我认为 URL 是:IPv6

但我想要 IPv4 URL。怎么做?


1 回答 1


如果您的服务器具有 IPv4 地址,并且您没有更改 WLS 设置,那么您将拥有 IPv4 访问权限。

它将地址报告为 IPv6,因为如果可用,大多数软件将默认使用 IPv6。

于 2013-06-30T15:57:15.233 回答