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In the case of distributed applications, where i have more than one application deployed on my server and i have created a singleton object in one application , when i am trying to access this singleton object from another application since the classloader is different it will create a new instance

Multiple classloaders on multiple JVMs will cause singleton pattern to break as you will have several instances of that class.

Probably the best use for a singleton in an clustered app server is when the singleton is totally state-less(These are created while the ApplicationContext is being initialized. The same instance will be returned/injected during the lifetime of this ApplicationContext.), and is only used as a convenience to access global data/functions.

于 2013-06-30T06:56:37.083 回答

服务器上的不同应用程序不应相互干扰。这就是服务器为它们创建不同的类加载器的原因。它们的行为就好像它们在不同的 JVM 上运行一样。

于 2013-06-30T07:19:30.227 回答